Banned official


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
So had a mass con, it turned into just two cautions.

But an official from the away bench was massively trying to fuel the flames and trying his best to get someone sent off, so I gave him a caution for dissent.

He then from the bench said he was a supporter and not a named official so he isn't giving me a name.

Fair enough, gave it to the manager.

At half-time, a random home official came knocked on the changing room, said: "that guys called Joe bloggs and he's banned do with that what you will ref" then disappeared.
A&H International
The biggest lesson from this, is that as AR1 (or ref, if on your own) it's always worth checking that the number of people in the technical areas matches the number of names on the team card (assuming there is one!).
The biggest lesson from this, is that as AR1 (or ref, if on your own) it's always worth checking that the number of people in the technical areas matches the number of names on the team card (assuming there is one!).
I was on my own, the team sheets typically in most of my leagues only has a manager named.

So policing the name policy in the technical area isn't possible and would not be expected (I think).
I was on my own, the team sheets typically in most of my leagues only has a manager named.

So policing the name policy in the technical area isn't possible and would not be expected (I think).
I should have been clearer ... the learning was a general one rather than specific to your game / league :) . In the case you describe, I'd suggest anyone choosing to sit in the technical area could legitimately be treated as / dealt with either as a sub or a team official
So had a mass con, it turned into just two cautions.

But an official from the away bench was massively trying to fuel the flames and trying his best to get someone sent off, so I gave him a caution for dissent.

He then from the bench said he was a supporter and not a named official so he isn't giving me a name.

Fair enough, gave it to the manager.

At half-time, a random home official came knocked on the changing room, said: "that guys called Joe bloggs and he's banned do with that what you will ref" then disappeared.
Extraordinary report. Describe events and name everyone. Let the club and offender explain themselves to the County FA. Could be expensive for both.
So had a mass con, it turned into just two cautions.

But an official from the away bench was massively trying to fuel the flames and trying his best to get someone sent off, so I gave him a caution for dissent.

He then from the bench said he was a supporter and not a named official so he isn't giving me a name.

Fair enough, gave it to the manager.

At half-time, a random home official came knocked on the changing room, said: "that guys called Joe bloggs and he's banned do with that what you will ref" then disappeared.
He is not entitled to be in the technical area as a "spectator" so you could have had him removed, then an extraordinary report, copied to tbe Competition Secretary.
Extraordinary report. Let the country fa deal with it. Include everything that was said on the pitch side and at half time.
He is not entitled to be in the technical area as a "spectator" so you could have had him removed, then an extraordinary report, copied to tbe Competition Secretary.
It was a busy game with attendance and after I gave the yellow to the manager the bench immediately went silent. Manager took it like a champ (as he clearly didn't want me to investigate further into the banned official).

I just chose to book the manager and raise an extraordinary report. With all the information I had.

I didn't feel the need to send the official(spectator) away as I was overwhelmed having just dealt with a mass con.

But that may have just been me choosing the easier option.
One thing I'll advise (and it's all a learning curve so it's not a criticism) is that the caution for the manager as the senior official in the TA is for situations when you know an offence has been committed but you can't identify the offender. Technically, the manager shouldn't be cautioned if someone that has told you they are a spectator is in the TA giving you dissent, that should be an extraordinary report (and ask to leave as discussed).
One thing I'll advise (and it's all a learning curve so it's not a criticism) is that the caution for the manager as the senior official in the TA is for situations when you know an offence has been committed but you can't identify the offender. Technically, the manager shouldn't be cautioned if someone that has told you they are a spectator is in the TA giving you dissent, that should be an extraordinary report (and ask to leave as discussed).
Another viewpoint, at this level you are not given a a list of officials who will be in the technical area. So by implication this individual is a club official by being in the TA or dugout as he clearly has the approval of the manager. If he is a spectator, then the manager would not be entertaining is company next to him in the dugout. Noting TA officials are not football club employees.

So the caution to the manager would be appropriate, with insistent this individual is removed from the TA & use the threat of abandonment if the club are not adhering to your request. If you are feeling overwhlemed then slow the whole processd down, the game will start when you are ready, which can be as long as you chose. 👍
Another viewpoint, at this level you are not given a a list of officials who will be in the technical area. So by implication this individual is a club official by being in the TA or dugout as he clearly has the approval of the manager. If he is a spectator, then the manager would not be entertaining is company next to him in the dugout. Noting TA officials are not football club employees.

So the caution to the manager would be appropriate, with insistent this individual is removed from the TA & use the threat of abandonment if the club are not adhering to your request. If you are feeling overwhlemed then slow the whole processd down, the game will start when you are ready, which can be as long as you chose. 👍
But... (and I'm not being awkward, just speaking hypothetically), if we caution the manager because we deem him to be a club official by being in the TA then can we ask for him to be removed if his offence only constitutes a cautionable offence? Surely by asking him to be removed we're accepting that he isn't a TA occupant?

I don't know if I've worded that correctly, but it makes sense in my head 😝
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But... (and I'm not being awkward, just speaking hypothetically), if we caution the manager because we deem him to be a club official by being in the TA then can we ask for him to be removed if his offence only constitutes a cautionable offence? Surely by asking him to be removed we're accepting that he isn't a TA occupant?

I don't know if I've worded that correctly, but it makes sense in my head 😝
You've nailed it.

He is either a TA occupant or he isn't. That rules out a caution for the manager as we know who the offender is and he either leaves because he isn't allowed to be in the TA or he can stay because he is a TA occupant and has only been cautioned.