The Ref Stop

Ball to hand and advantage

Jake Brand

New Member
Level 5 Referee
So the red player that back heel kicked the ball onto his hand and made a forward run in the 18 yard box what would you do in that situation would you give a freekick towards the blue or would you let play on
The Ref Stop
Don’t quite understand your description.

I suggest you first Google IFAB laws of the game handball. Read what the laws say, come to your own conclusion and then come back here and explain in more detail and with your idea.
I am going to make a few guesses and assumptions here in describing what you are trying to say here.

A defending player handled the ball in his own penalty are and gained posession of the ball and played it forward. The handling was not deliberate. Is this an offence?

No it is not. A non deliberate handball is only an offence if it results in a (immediate) goal or a goal scoring opportunity.
I am going to make a few guesses and assumptions here in describing what you are trying to say here.

I can't make head or tails of it either, but he says the player runs into the box after the handling incident. The question for me, is which box is he going into? Since it's a forward run... I'm assuming he's done a Messi and somehow gone all the way to the opposition box, but I don't know.
I can't make head or tails of it either, but he says the player runs into the box after the handling incident. The question for me, is which box is he going into? Since it's a forward run... I'm assuming he's done a Messi and somehow gone all the way to the opposition box, but I don't know.
To be precise he did no say "runs into the box". His word are "forward run in the 18 yard box". Which could mean it happened while he was already in there.

In any case this highlight how important it is to make your incident reports (or send off reports) clear and precise and paint an accurate picture. Otherwise the culprits are going to get away with it.
I am going to make a few guesses and assumptions here in describing what you are trying to say here.

A defending player handled the ball in his own penalty are and gained posession of the ball and played it forward. The handling was not deliberate. Is this an offence?

No it is not. A non deliberate handball is only an offence if it results in a (immediate) goal or a goal scoring opportunity.

Hmm my understanding is that it is still an offence if the player has made himself bigger? Making yourself bigger (lifting the arms for example), doesn't mean its a deliberate handball but it is still an offence, I thought. Or have I read this incorrectly.

Questioning whether I made the right decision yesterday giving a penalty. Late on in second half, had a defender handball it from a corner, he was side on with me so I couldn't see his arm position, didn't give it. Ball rolling around in the box. Another defender, about 10 yards away attempted to clear it, the original defender whos arm it hit, handballed it again, but this time I could see his arm out (about 4/5'o'clock position). Massive ball print on his arm. The same defender had handballed it in the first half as well, didn't give it then as I could see he didn't do it deliberately and his arm was by his side.
Hmm my understanding is that it is still an offence if the player has made himself bigger? Making yourself bigger (lifting the arms for example), doesn't mean its a deliberate handball but it is still an offence, I thought. Or have I read this incorrectly.

Questioning whether I made the right decision yesterday giving a penalty. Late on in second half, had a defender handball it from a corner, he was side on with me so I couldn't see his arm position, didn't give it. Ball rolling around in the box. Another defender, about 10 yards away attempted to clear it, the original defender whos arm it hit, handballed it again, but this time I could see his arm out (about 4/5'o'clock position). Massive ball print on his arm. The same defender had handballed it in the first half as well, didn't give it then as I could see he didn't do it deliberately and his arm was by his side.
Hi @Lokolo
Just to clarify, most ball to hand contact in the attacking third (by an attacker) is now deemed a Handball offence because the act is likely to lead to a goal scoring opportunity
Conversely, ball to hand contact anywhere else on the FOP, still needs to be deliberate for it to be an offence. Primarily we need to consider the distance (and speed at which) the ball travels and whether the hand moves towards the ball
From your description, it sounds like the defender was either very unlucky, or was careless in allowing the handball contact multiple times. Quite likely the latter and you made a good call when awarding the PK
Hi @Lokolo
Just to clarify, most ball to hand contact in the attacking third (by an attacker) is now deemed a Handball offence because the act is likely to lead to a goal scoring opportunity

Where's that come from? Law 12 is much more specific about the requirements for a non-deliberate hand ball by an attacker. (Though there has been a slight loosening of the exact terms by "what soccer expects.") But I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest that stretches all the way to the attacking third.

In the OP, if what the question asked was "if the defender kicked the ball up against the attacker's hand, and the attacker then started a goal scoring opportunity," I think we would all agree that is a quintessential example of the new law and a handball.
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Where's that come from? Law 12 is much more specific about the requirements for a non-deliberate hand ball by an attacker. (Though there has been a slight loosening of the exact terms by "what soccer expects.") But I've seen absolutely nothing to suggest that stretches all the way to the attacking third.

In the OP, if what the question asked was "if the defender kicked the ball up against the attacker's hand, and the attacker then started a goal scoring opportunity," I think we would all agree that is a quintessential example of the new law and a handball.
I thought my loose talk would attract some attention!
Just locker room talk on the subject. Point being, any hand and ball contact in attacking areas focuses the mind
My flippancy on the subject happens to reflect how HB is policed anywhere on the FOP, across most of the globe for quite some time
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Hmm my understanding is that it is still an offence if the player has made himself bigger? Making yourself bigger (lifting the arms for example), doesn't mean its a deliberate handball but it is still an offence, I thought. Or have I read this incorrectly.

Questioning whether I made the right decision yesterday giving a penalty. Late on in second half, had a defender handball it from a corner, he was side on with me so I couldn't see his arm position, didn't give it. Ball rolling around in the box. Another defender, about 10 yards away attempted to clear it, the original defender whos arm it hit, handballed it again, but this time I could see his arm out (about 4/5'o'clock position). Massive ball print on his arm. The same defender had handballed it in the first half as well, didn't give it then as I could see he didn't do it deliberately and his arm was by his side.
There are considerations in the lotg with 'usually is' and 'usually is not' and 'except' ... But at the end of the day they are just considerations and in your case it has to be deliberate. It's impossible to tell you if it was deliberate unless I see it. Even then my opinion my differ from another.
Yes if the player has made himself bigger it is usually a handball, but what if it is part of their natural movement?