Awkward situation


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Was recently put in a awkward situation and I just want to know what u would have done.

I've known this ref for a while he is a L7 or 6.
An email went round asking to cover a friendly game that PM. I was free so I covered it.

During the game I YC 3 players - 2 home 1 away team.

The manager for away team asks me at HT not to put it through. I tell him I'm going to.

Full time same conversation. Still tell him I'm going to. It comes to light that player is on a ban still !!!

I get home and get a call from REF who appointed me and asked me NOT to submit the cards as he knows the manger and players and all they were trying to do is give them a game.
I told I had done. End of conversation. I speak to my promotion manager and he tells me that I did the right thing.

Still niggling in my head for a day or two I talk to the RDO, as I'm thinking if he has done this once has it done it before? The RDO confirms I did the right thing submitting the forms and leaves it at that. With 30min or do I get an aggressive call from said ref accusing me of being a grass and I've f**ked with the wrong person.

Not heard from him since. Did I do the right thing telling the RDO or not? or am I a grass.

Please be honest as I still think I did the right thing.
A&H International
I didn't think bans cover friendly games?

This other ref is an idiot. You did the right thing. He should not have involved himself.
Absolutely right you did the right thing. I would also be tempted to report the comments made to you by the ref to whoever needs to be told (RDO/FA/or League. He might realise that it is fact he who has f##ked with the wrong person:mad:.

It is referees like this that make it harder and harder for the decent ones among us.
You have done the right thing in reporting it. I would have done so, and hope that a lot of other referees would have to !
Yes, 100% the right thing to do!
I would also speak to your RDO and possibly also directly to the FA (not sure who it should be though, can't remember!)

We're responsible for enforcing the laws of the game AND preserving the credibility of the game

Well done colleague, you've done us proud on both counts mate