Assessment - position at corner


The avuncular one
The following is an incident from my assessed match on Saturday. And oh hell yeah it has pictures drawn in paint!

Corner kick, CAR side. Game is 2-1 to red with 10 minutes or so remaining and blue are in ascendancy. Varying my position at corners and due to the ball dropping consistently in the middle of the area I take a position on the goal line. Consistently during the game the ball has dropped nicely around the 6 yard box line.

This time, the ball drops short and a defender runs out, stoops to chest the ball and clears. On cue, mass appeals for handball and a penalty. I have a clear view of his stoop, but as he is running away from me I can see nothing else so play on. I sprint to get back into position

A&H International
Nice pics by the way! I would still say that a position outside the penalty area looking in is better in case an incident like that happens. Given the situation I may have stood a little more central than I normally would but certainly not where you have illustrated (not least because you have 18 yards more to run if the ball gets cleared!)
You would go central. Fair enough, but what is your rationale for that position?
Love the pictures! :D I'd say your position was pretty much spot on, although I'd perhaps look to be closer to the edge of the six yard box (purely to create a slightly wider angle). You can't see everything, particularly when you've only got CAR's.
Very tough with CAR's.
If it were me, I'd do the usual kidology about changing position so players don't know where you are, but as it's about to be taken (CAR's side), I'd be on corner of the D, nearest the taker. If it's a deep corner, I'm then moving to far side of D, mid-range corner, 2/3 steps inside box and short-range corner, minimal movement. Then, if the ball starts moving towards the goal (IE, headed by attacking player rather than defensive), I'd make my way towards the goal-line where it meets 6-yard to judge goal decision.

But, that's only me!

On a lighter note, your drawings have 2 major errors -
1; Red GK is same colour as his team
2; Black team in same colour as you!
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I don't think there is any "100% right" position to be in for corners, when you're on your own/have CAR's - you just try for the best position to view the majority of issues.

As a rule, I move around the D - most often on the point furthest from the corner taker. However, if I see (for example) a right- footed player take a right-side corner, for the first one I'll stand on the goal-line (far side of the taker) just to see if it goes out in flight.

Regarding the possible handball incident, I work on the simple theory that "If you don't see it, you can't give it!" So, I'd go for no handball but a big "sell" to silence the appeals; a shout of "No!" And the "cutting the grass" gesture. I know not all agree with this, but I might also shout "hit his chest" (or whatever part of his anatomy seems likely) - it implies you've seen it and the only person who can prove you wrong ( the guy who did it) is unlikely to correct you!
OK, as the OP has pics, I've done one too!

I would position myself on the side the kick is coming from. The rationale for this is:

I can see if ball in/out of play while in the air.
I can see any goal/no goal looking along the line.
If cleared, I can move out in line with 2nd last defender and watch offside for the ball coming back in.
Players challenging for ball are generally moving toward me, I can see their faces etc (in OP example, would have seen handball)
If a short kick is taken, I am close to the ball when back in play and can monitor the offside line for the cross.

My problem with the OP diagram is, not only did you miss a potential hand ball/penalty, but if a short kick is taken, you are too far from the play, and you have a penalty area full of players to get through.


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Nice picture !

I have been slaughtered by an assessor previously for taking the position you describe as it means I had my back to the CAR. The same assessor I had Saturday funnily enough!

With hindsight, I think the better position would have been dans edge of D on the CAR side.

In the original diagram 2 posts have mentioned being far from play, however being in the postion I was in was fine, i can move pretty quickly! The ball was kicked away and I was back in a credible postion before most of the players had got out of the penalty area. Mobility and speed are strengths for me this season.
But what I'd stand in d or if the players are in deep I come in box behind the players to look for (mi) so hopefully super that will help
Nice picture !

I have been slaughtered by an assessor previously for taking the position you describe as it means I had my back to the CAR. The same assessor I had Saturday funnily enough!
lol. it was an assessor that told me to stand in that position.

I only do it without NARs, as CARs are only asked to signal ball-out-of-play, so there is no need to keep him in view on a corner.