Assesment today


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Had my very 1st assessment today going 7-6.

Really nice officer. NO major points which is always a good start. He said there was a very minors:
1. I didn't sprint into the final 3rds as much as I did in 1st half and he wants to see that
2. Tidy up substitutions
3. When u send a player of to clear up a blood injury make sure you say to them don't come on until I come over and check
4. If I was to go higher I need to deal with/find level of verbal dissent - or I could be marked down a lot

Overall he was pleased with my overall performance and he said in the next 3-4 days I will get a copy of the report
A&H International
Obviously difficult to tell without knowing the type of game it was, but sounds a decent assessment for your level, and the things you mentioned can easily be rectified.

In regards to point 4, I think that verbal dissent levels depend on the game.

Well done :)
It was Kent County league reserve east league. Was a nice game to referee. I am waiting for the full report to be sent to me - hopefully next few days
just had a call from chief assessor. Should get my assesment write up today. as soon as I get it I will post on here for your comments/review. If there are any assessors on here would be interested to see what score you would give
Hi Dave,

You should get a satisfactory mark by the sounds of it.

I look forward to you posting the assessment up on here.
Assessors must complete as advised in the “Assessor Guide”.

1. Application of Law: For the level of football you are officiating in at the moment you showed a good sound knowledge of the laws and their application, I hope you agree that in this match fouls were few and far between as both sets of players just wanted to play the game and enjoy themselves but at these rare moments you spotted the foul swiftly and acted accordingly. When necessary defensive walls were moved back the required distance and play not started until you allowed it to be, at these moments clear evidence of your communication to all the players was noticed. Your action against the player with a bloody nose was firmly done but slightly spoilt by his return to the pitch ( this is mentioned again under item 4).I felt that your application of the laws of the game in the first half were reinforced by your swift movement and being reasonably near (but not close) to the movement of the ball. I will mention below under Item 3 the second half. The only caution you could have given was for the player who came back onto the field of play without your permission after getting treatment for a bloody nose. I think you mentioned to me before the match that this was your first senior match, if that is the case I felt overall your application of the laws in this match was acceptable. A matter for you to consider for future matches is the level at which action should be taken by you in regard to loud swearing from the players, at times this reached an almost unacceptable level.

2. Match Control: In matches like this one where all concerned are just having a good afternoons sport ( although frozen stiff ) it is hard to judge match control by the match official. The argument is that either his job is made easy by the players, and his presence is not needed , or that his presence and match control rubs off onto the players. I firmly believe that a well controlled match is a result of players and the official co-operating together for mutual enjoyment. Basically this match controlled it self. I also saw no reason to think that you could not control a much more harder game. There are a couple of points I will raise under management of stoppages which should give you something to consider in future matches if a higher standard is your aim.
3. Positioning, Fitness and Work rate: You are clearly fit and more than able to sprint and keep up with the movement of the ball as and when required. Good and observant positions were taken at set plays and as I have mentioned above fouls were well spotted because you were never far away. Particular notice was made of your good use of dead ball time to take up position. Then came the second half. I felt that in the second half you took your foot off the pedal a little too much, even though you could easily sprint you seemed to walk around, rather than run. Your decisions were still correctly given but from more of a distance than in the first half. You did seem a little reluctant to enter that last third of the pitch in the second half.

4. Alertness and Awareness, including management of stoppages: From the moment I arrived you were clearly alert and aware of all your pre match responsibilities and these were handled well and in my view helped you gain the respect of the players before a whistle was blown. This continued right from the kick off and it wasn’t long before you were aware of the player with the blood coming out of his nose. You immediately advised him to leave the field of play to get attention but then spoilt your actions by not informing him not to come back into play without your permission and only after you had checked that his nose had stopped bleeding and also checked to see if any blood was on his shirt. I have no problem with your awareness of your pre match duties and in your application of the laws as and when needed, I do feel however you should include a little more awareness of your linesmen. It was noticed that on several occasions your attention was brought to bear by the shouts of players / spectators of a linesman’s flag for offside. The decision was then given and play continued without any fuss, this might not have happened in a more harder fought match. I feel that you are so deeply involved in play that at times you forget to look for decisions from your linesmen. STOPPAGES IN PLAY 1) Substitutions ~~ Overall well handled, with the exception of one time when it all happened behind your back on the opposite side of the pitch. 2) Injuries ~~ I can only recall one minor incident when play was stopped, whilst you were assessing the injury the trainer was running onto the pitch and when the player got up to continue play the trainer had to quickly leave the pitch. My suggestion to you is to add to your pre match duties the need to inform the necessary people that substitutions will take place at the half way line and in a orderly manner and also that trainers should wait for your signal to allow them to enter the field of play.

5. Communication: More than once in my reports I have picked up a referee for a one level tone of whistle use throughout the match, this does not apply to you. Your whistle was well used and clearly heard at all times, its tone was varied to suit the offence and again in my view the authority shown in its use at times prevented any dissent from the players for its use. Your arm signals were clear and decisive and held in place for the appropriate amount of time. The only thing to mention is your verbal command when using advantage ( see item 7 ) Although not wrong in any way MY VIEW is that arm signals from you for clear and uncontested throw ins are not necessary. Your communication with the players during the match was one of firmness in your decisions but in the right manner players were allowed to also talk to you.

6. Teamwork: Club linesmen are never the best and vary week by week, your did their best and to be fair tried to keep up with play and assist you. The only point for you to consider has been mentioned in item 4 above. Late offside decisions in this match did not affect your match control but under different circumstances it could cause you problems of your own making. I know it will never happen but I have always been an advocate of giving match officials who are being assessed official linesmen so that experience can be gained and this subject can be properly assessed by people like me.

7. Advantage: When the situation to play advantage presented itself, you applied it with good effect, with visual and verbal commands. Your visual arm movement s were fine, but mention must be made of your verbal command of “PLAY ON”. Please put yourself in the position of the player just fouled and hearing you call out play on, he must reach the conclusion that you have not spotted the foul against him and decide to inflict his own retribution. Shouting out the correct word of “ADVANTAGE” clearly shows him that the foul has been spotted but you are allowing play to continue, and off course it also indicates to the offender that he might be cautioned at the next stoppage if you consider it appropriate. I accept it is just a word but it is in the laws of the game for a reason, please try and use it.

Overall a totally acceptable performance from you with just some minor issues for you to think about and hopefully accepted by you from me with the intention of helping you improve. ​
Dave. Thanks for posting this. Certainly some points that I could use in future.
Decent assessment there Dave. The assessor sometimes went off on a tangent - I mean it is of no use him telling you that he would like to see qualified linesmen on assessed games, if he cares so much, take it up with the CFA!

I don't have anything to add really, the main points to pick up on have been labelled quite obviously by the assessor.
Thanks guys.

If there are any assessors on here some idea of what mark I got would've great if you are allowed to do that.
I wouldn't be worried about the mark Dave.

By the sounds of it, it sounds like a satisfactory assessment (at least), so therefore you will achieve the satisfactory mark (72 I believe or it maybe 75, something along those lines!) or above.
Wow, in Canada 'satisfactory' is a 60! If someone gets a 75 then it is usually a sign that they need to move up to the next level.