The Ref Stop

Arsenal vs AC Milan


RefChat Addict
Welbeck penalty.

Extra official right in front of the terrible dive tells referee to give it.

Yet another instance where the extra official negatively impacts the match officials' performance.

The Ref Stop
Shocking, shocking decision, really don't know what he thinks he has seen there. Have to feel for the referee there as even after the got advice he seemed to be reluctant to give the penalty only to eventually blow. Not a lot you can do when your AAR is saying along the lines of definitely a penalty. When he did blow I was 95% certain it was for a caution for simulation, can't quite believe it ended in a penalty.

One that VAR would have definitely sorted. Also interesting to note that for VAR they say he must be the same level as the referee, yet the AAR giving a penalty tonight didn't even have a FIFA badge so doesn't appear to be the same level as the referee.
Seriously WTF?!!!! Never a foul in a month on Sundays!!! :eek:

Even more hilarious is this one from the 1st leg, which he then complained he didn't get a foul for! :D

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Terrible decision, can't for the life of me work out what he's seen.

One that VAR would have definitely sorted. Also interesting to note that for VAR they say he must be the same level as the referee, yet the AAR giving a penalty tonight didn't even have a FIFA badge so doesn't appear to be the same level as the referee.

Yeah this is what I don't understand - have always thought up to now that all refs for UEFA competitions had to be international referees (i.e. with the FIFA badge?). Am I wrong in thinking this?
Terrible decision, can't for the life of me work out what he's seen.

Yeah this is what I don't understand - have always thought up to now that all refs for UEFA competitions had to be international referees (i.e. with the FIFA badge?). Am I wrong in thinking this?

I've seen this in Scotland before where sometimes the AAR isn't FIFA although is being tailored for FIFA nomination (from my understanding).
Terrible decision, can't for the life of me work out what he's seen.

Yeah this is what I don't understand - have always thought up to now that all refs for UEFA competitions had to be international referees (i.e. with the FIFA badge?). Am I wrong in thinking this?
You can be on the UEFA list and not on FIFA cant you?
@JamesL Well that's what I wasn't sure about. I suppose a part of me assumed they were one and the same. I guess all FIFA referees (that are European) are on the UEFA list but not necessarily vice versa in this case. Weird there wouldn't be some sort of UEFA badge either way.
Yeah this is what I don't understand - have always thought up to now that all refs for UEFA competitions had to be international referees (i.e. with the FIFA badge?). Am I wrong in thinking this?

Since you need four referees to cover a UEFA match (center, 4th official, and two AARs), smaller nations may not be able to cover all of those spots with FIFA referees. It's then allowed for top level national referees to be an AAR, while the center, two ARs, and fourth official is a FIFA.
My point was more that it makes no sense saying that a VAR has to be the same level as the referee as that is a much easier job. You have multiple replays, different angles, and it should be difficult to get it wrong.

Whereas you can let a non-FIFA official make a match changing mistake with just one view from one angle - that needs a much higher refereeing skill level than sitting watching a monitor. I understand that some countries don't have enough FIFA badged officials to put three FIFA referees and three FIFA assistants on every game, but if they are going to pursue the AAR route they need to get more officials promoted.
Never a penalty as The Moose says, I don't think any ref at any level should be giving that! Clumsy fall at best, these players are making a rod for their own back with these pathetic theatrical falls, its becoming laughable!! Desperation to be expecting fouls given for that!!
I'm going to ask this here since I didn't want to make a new thread but I was at the game Thursday night at the Emirates. I must confess, it being Europa League and all that, I don't typically do "Thursday nights", but the other night, for the first time ever I think, I saw the fourth official actively looking like he was part of the on field officiating team. Unlike Premier League fourth officials, he wasn't just standing there, occasionally speaking with the managers, he was crouching, side stepping, bending his head in a crouching position looking at situations and trying to get a different angle. Is this a specific or new directive from Uefa or something? He really seemed like an extra assistant who was actually watching to help the referee rather than just standing there.