Well-Known Member
I'm currently in the market for some non-electronic AR flags that are suitable to give to neutral assistants, does anybody have any suggestions? I had a look on eBay and they're all the poor foam handled ones.
Touchline flags from A&H: http://www.referee-equipment.co.uk/Catalogue/Flags/Touchline-Flags/TLINE-Full-Set---Premier-FSB-PL
For me, the best non buzzer type available.
Some like the older, rubber handled version. You cannot buy them new any more but they do crop up on eBay etc from time to time. In my personal opinion they are no where near as good as the new type but others disagree and love them.
I have both sets (if memory serves, I have Ross's old set via Dan?) and I prefer the rubber handles.
The plastic ones feel a bit light weight in comparison.
Yeah, I have a set of the new style ones that look like they should be electronic - they've had much more use out of CAR's than by myself unfortunately, but still in a very good state.
I'd advise buying a pack of spare "tops" though, as some people just can't help but fiddle with them. I usually make them run around like a wally holding a handle-less flag for the rest of the match when they lose/break that part, then stick on a new topper between matches.