Open Age Any tips or tricks to stop players complaining?

Going back to the point about rebellious players, I know from personal experience that there can be quite a large difference between when you start noticing a player's petulance, worrying about escalation and even feeling intimidated by him and the point at which he must incur a caution. Even if it isn't serious enough to affect match control, it is like a constant, unpleasant noise in your head that can have a knock-on effect on decisions. Not being afraid to bring out a yellow as the context befits is one thing, but since we are not there to look for cautions, what is working for me is plain old experience. Referee enough 'tough' games to build up your tolerance to tension, and you'll probably find you'll be able to deal more calmly in interactions with players about dissent and they'll have less nervousness to feed off.
A&H International
I think the main aspect I take out of the original post is about being the only person to see the alleged foul, yes, as referee you are of course there to detect fouls but you are also there to manage the game as a whole, that's what separates someone who knows the LOTG, from someone who can referee a match, they are two very different things, not for a second would I say to duck the decision, but, if by your own admission I am reading that, nobody else saw, appealed etc for the pen, why be the only person of the 23 ? on the park to see something, I know when am refereeing that I try not to award decisions that I will need to justify for the next 20 years, if it looks like a caution, smells like a caution, its probably a caution, I really hope am in tune with the game itself and I dont like to issue a card and have players on both sides not knowing what it was for/expectation levels and all that, same goes for the pen, esp at grass roots, for example there "might" be a pushing offence by gk on striker at a corner, but do you really need to give it? Different on tv when countless cameras can back you up, but to award such a pen at 0-0 with 15 to go, no, not for me, I am after a stick on, one that even the offender holds his hands up to, all about opinions I guess..
Well, I tried some of the theories which were posted here earlier today with another game.

TBH, first half was horrible from my part. Four clear fouls, and I blew it to blow my whistle. When the foul happened I was like: Yeah, that's a foul, I should blow my whistle... and I didn't.... I think some marks have been left behind from yesterday. Though the players were much more accepting and I don't think they really noticed I was in the wrong as the fouls were small and open for interpretation.

I picked myself up at half time.

Second half things got heated up, but I had only 2 calls in second half of which I'm not too sure.So it went alright. But at one point in the game one player was kind of hugging the attacker from behind. When I gave a free kick for that, he got mad and said that the attacker was in the wrong in some way I can barely understand how that is physically possible. Eventually the captain sent them away.
A little while later, again same 2 players, again the defender holding the attacker a little bit, but not a lot and in the penalty area. No foul was made, but I told him that he should watch where he puts his hands. Then that's when some 3-4 players started getting very angry, however I found that the simple question: "Do you want a yellow card?" had them all walk away with an apology and didn't hear from them for the remains of the match :)