Another Couple Of Randoms That I Dont Think Are In The Book


Target of Abuse
Level 7 Referee
Had a couple of randoms that I've never had the other week (which I've just remembered).

Throw In.

Player takes the throw in (from where I told him to take it from), but he must be a good 15-20 yards away from the pitch.

The ball lands on pitch (just) and I let play continue. Is that okay? I would have said take it again if it had bounced before the pitch… Or should it have gone the other way as a foul throw?

Second, “You Cant Say Leave It”

Left back plays ball to centre back – no attackers for 1,000,000 miles (ish), the right back says “Leave it” and the centre back opens his legs and lets it go to the right back.

Attackers apoplectic about this – and are gobsmacked I don’t give an indirect free kick to them.

My understanding of the “You Cant Say Leave It” thing, is that you cant trick someone into leaving the ball – so you can say it to your own team – no problems. And this situation is was of course obvious that he was talking to his own team.

But when it comes to a bit more upfield, I just pay attention (as you would) and ensure they don’t say it to the opposition.

I don’t mind them calling their names etc, they can shout their own name if the balls coming to them etc.

I don’t like them shouting “Bounce” to put the players off when defending goal kicks and the other obvious ones.

But is there an actual rule that says “You cant say ‘Leave It’ when the ball is in play”?
A&H International
Players can say "mine", "leave it" etc as much as they like.
What they cannot do is "verbally distract an opponent during play or at a restart". This is one of the examples of unsporting behaviour on P123 of the current LOTG for which a player MUST be cautioned. So the "Bounce" example that you give, if the opponent is distracted, should result in a caution for the offender and IDFK restart but there is no offence with the defender saying "Leave it".
It is worth noting that if a player is screaming his own name in an opponents ear in an attempt to put him, then there is an offence if the opponent is distracted.
I find that this area is a minefield because players (and often last week's referee) have such a shaky understanding of the law so I try to manage it rather than immediately pulling out the cards.

I always wonder how the have-to-put-a-name-on-it crowd would cope with a players called Lee Vit or Mai Ball (and yes, these are real people!)
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Everytime ive said "Of course you can tell your own players to leave it" - they *always* - and I mean this 100% without fail - will then start taking the michael and everytime they pass the ball to each other - so John passes to James - James will say "Leave it - James ball"... and they'll knock it around for a couple of minutes doing this.

Having put up with this over the last few weeks, I had strong words with the 'orchestrater' of it - and after he back chatted and back chatted trying to tell me how I was wrong - I ended up carding him.

Im sick of calling people over for a chat (I dont have my hands in my pocket or my wallet out or anything), and they will just argue their way into cards.

Even added it to my captain speak;
"I dont want to chase players around the park - so if I call them over - make sure they come over"
"I dont want to chase players around the park and its probably going to be a talking to first - so if I call them over - make sure they come over. If they come over with an attitude - they're going to talk themselves into a card. I assure you"

Its helped. I do get a bit of the captain shouting "Shut up and listen to him" etc.

But they'll always be the take-it-on-the-chin talking to - to which they then walk away and strike up the same conversation Ive warned them about.

Boring hell.
The difficult thing with the shouting is its not what's said but the intention.

They can shout pretty much anything they want (bar OFFINABUS of course), provided the referee determines it didn't distract or have the intention of distracting an opponent.

So ultimately it's your opinion.

In terms of the throw, there's nothing in the LOTG that says the thrower can't stand a mile away from the touch line when they take it. As long as the action is legal and the ball comes into play properly then play on.

If the ball had bounced before it was in play I'd be giving a retake, not a foul throw.

Just as I would if the ball was thrown down the line and it never made it into play. The ball never entered play to start with so technically no infringement occurred.

Have to say I'd stop him taking it quickly and warn the player to take it from a sensible distance for the remainder of the game.
Sorry to hijack your thread but I had a random incident about a month ago which I've just remembered.

Ball going towards touchline, substitute controls it from what looks like off the pitch so signal for thrown in. But he shouts "sorry ref, it didn't go out"
Now ignoring the fact it should be a caution for entering the pitch, I restarted with a drop ball as I had no idea, was this the correct restart?
Sorry to hijack your thread but I had a random incident about a month ago which I've just remembered.

Ball going towards touchline, substitute controls it from what looks like off the pitch so signal for thrown in. But he shouts "sorry ref, it didn't go out"
Now ignoring the fact it should be a caution for entering the pitch, I restarted with a drop ball as I had no idea, was this the correct restart?

Yes Harry correct restart

No you must go with your decision - sub is not an official and this affects your credibility and decisiveness.[/QUOTE]
My bad, didn't read it fully!!
If a player is taking a throw in no where near the pitch I'm giving the throw in the other way.

  • delivers the ball from the point where it left the field of play
15-20 yards isn't where the ball went out. Same if they go over a barrier to collect a ball.
Wait until the throw attempt is made first please. Otherwise, you're not following the Laws... the infringement hasn't occurred until the throw attempt is made.
Doesn't the point it left play bit refer to the distance along the touch line as opposed to how far back.

Not my place to stop them loosing possession if they **** it up.
Some of the advice on here is slightly incorrect and a little confusing.

In the first post of advice, mctavish, stated that you can shout 'mine' or 'leave it' whenever you like..... this is wrong! He also incorrectly stated that as long as you dont put someone off, its ok.... this is wrong!

There are actually two separate offences. Shouting to put someone off ......like "BOO!!" is punishable by a idfk and a caution.

Shouting "mine" or "leave it!" Is not an offence in itself and players always whinge because they think it is not allowed.... "he cant say that ref!!...." :) ..... its only an offence if the context in which the player says it is deemed that it was i tended to trick or decieve the opponent....

As for the throw.... if it bounces before the line...its a foul throw. If it comes into play tnen its game on.....
The LOTG state where the throw must be taken from. Significantly far away from the field is not taken from the place where it left the field. It's an incorrectly taken throw in. Of course, if you can try to stop them before they do it.
A throw taken from 10 yards back from the line has a massive impact - the ball could enter the field 20 yards either side of the thrower to a player right next to the line. That's a big difference from what's supposed to occur. I'd probably be a bit more lenient on this than moving up the line though.

Oh, and shouting 'bounce' isn't an attempt to distract opponents. Not unless it's clearly done as an opponent is about to go for it.
Players can say "mine", "leave it" etc as much as they like.
What they cannot do is "verbally distract an opponent during play or at a restart".
I always wonder how the have-to-put-a-name-on-it crowd would cope with a players called Lee Vit or Mai Ball (and yes, these are real people!)

Had one player at Supply League level who would shout "John!" at every corner. His name was Paul and he never challenged for the ball. Very clever, I almost found myself admiring it, especially when he used as his defence "But I called a name and that's ok"
Going back I am always careful now what I am saying to Captains before the game, by saying what you say @Silouhette you may be making a rod for your own back. For instance,
"its probably going to be a talking to first - so if I call them over - make sure they come over". So first act of dissent you call the player over and caution, cue Captain "What happened to just the talking to first ref" "Ah come on ref YOU SAID..............!!"

My Captains speech at toss up used to be rather long winded and lecture like. Now I see it as bit a pointless and its now, "Take responsibility for your own players please guys, enjoy the match. Home team, heads or tails".

In terms of calling people over for a chat and getting dissent, how often are you calling players over for a chat? Is it necessary at all? If you do need to say something to a player then why not do it in passing or position yourself near to him or even next to him at a restart. Even if its 5 minutes later, "Listen fella, just watch your challenges. That one earlier was bordering on reckless" Because the game is still in flow he has less or often no time to argue. Don't get me wrong sometimes a public dressing down is needed but not always.

Just a thought.