The Ref Stop

And it goes wrong

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All I am saying is that something which you dismiss as "verbals...not enough for an abandonment" is actually quite a serious criminal offence. Yes, there are things which happen on a football pitch which would incur severe peanlties elsewhere but are accepted within the game but threatening to assault someone is not one of those.

So it is only when "verbals" becomes physical violence that abandonment becomes "likely"? Give me strength!

Are you naturally obtuse or do you have to practice?
If cannot understand something can be more than verbals yet not result in a violent assault then maybe you need to get out more?
The Ref Stop
Padfoot, please read the comments before responding. A threat was clearly made. McTavish then said that 'threatening to assualt somebody'.....Quite clearly he's aware that the assualt didn't occur.
You now seem to be arguing against yourself here. Please, go take an aspirin and have a lie down before you respond to this thread again. You're going to get yourself sinbinned at this rate - I'm surprised that hasn't occurred already from your conduct on this thread.
was having a stormer of an end of season. No pressure of assessments and I am rocking games like a hurricane. Really. Losing teams are thanking me for being so good? When does that happen? (Well end of season maybe... :))

Game going okay. Bunch of crap goes down which I won't go into because its not massively relevant to the next bit. Then a player gets 2 cautions for dissent (although second could have been a straight caution for a foul tackle) and shizzle goes south.

Player decides it's okay to shout "I'm gong to fudging knock you out you c-word" at me. Then does it again.

I'm off home, forget this nonsense.

Then he says it again as i collect my flags from CARs


Don't take your eye off the ball for a second eh?

Firstly, hope you're okay, that's the main thing. Fair play for ending it, repeated threats of that nature is awful. If you have not already, report it to the Police. I hope your CFA supports you fully and the book is thrown at him.
You seem to have a flawed set of values which you change to suit the situation fella.

Happy to harangue me on a different thread for something I said because you think it's perceived as "racist" (but only by Labour-voting Guardian Reading middle class pontificating pratts ;) ) yet something said to SM is "only words" - in spite of however it might have made him feel at the time.....

Complete double standards and an epic fail chap. Epic. ;) :rolleyes:

If somebody threatens to physically harm you, then, based on how it affects your personal ability to continue to referee a football match and/or your own concerns for your personal safety, abandonment is (I would say) a far more likely and proper course of action to take. ;)

@SM - good call chap - hope the scrote gets a hefty punishment. :)

Nothing perceived about your casual racism.....very real and very unsavoury.

I didn't say it was 'only words'.....

I said that if it was only a verbal exchange unaccompanied by any physical attempt to follow up then it could be potentially dealt with differently......

Maybe after years of martial arts, an upbringing in very rough council estate in North London and a very cynical outlook on life I just don't view verbal theats on their own as particularly threatening.......

And if it was what I saw as a case of someone trying to be Big Time Johnny Bananas by saying it, then I would rather try to sort it by actions short of abandonment....but obviously dismissing the player.
If it couldn't be sorted, or the player gave even the slightest indication of moving beyond simple verbal posturing then it's home time.
Are you for real??
I didn't say it was 'only words'.....

You abandoned for someone swearing at you?

If all he said were the words.....if he wasn't being restrained or chasing SM round the pitch...then it's only words.

Unless someone is making an aggressive attempt to actually carry out the's easily managed by dismissing the player and making it clear to both teams that the first sign of them trying to make good on the threat will result in abandonment.

Also, the 'bunch of crap' that went down is obviously in some way relevant to events..... .

And you didn't say 'potentially dealt with differently'. You stated, numerous times, that it should have been dealt with differently or that it was a 'cheap' abandonment (whatever that is).

I look forward to your admission of error when you realise that you did actually state the things you're claiming you didn't.
Yeah you might have no problems but what happens when there is a referee that is intolerable to threats or abuse of this nature I have seen a referee from America pick the ball up all because he was verbally threatened and if I was verbally threatened by crowd spectator or player I would blow the whistle pick up the ball and head to the changing room
@Padfoot give it up mate ... you are either trying to troll, very very poorly. or you are actually serious - in which case ... wow - thanks last weeks ref! I am really glad you don't referee on my leagues because a) in Essex when someone threatens you like that, throwing a red card is kind of like a red flag to a bull? or to put it in simple 'Padfoot' terms ... a reason to not care about his actions as his already been sent off ...

cut past all the crap for a second guys with the 'the law says this and that' etc ... abandoning a game is something that is entirely down to the referee. if he feels that his safety is at a slight risk, or just plainly the fact that he isn't going to be spoken to like that on a Wednesday night when he is giving up his free time so they can play a god damn game of football! it is the REFEREE's right and choice ... not yours or anyone else's! and as you can clearly see, @SM had CLUB ASSISTANTS, I'm sure if it was a team of 3 then it may have been different, I'm sure we would all agree that you feel more comfortable with NAR's, am I right?

@SM - if you feel that was the right course mate then spot on, by the sounds of it, was more a 'sod this for a game of soldiers' abandonment rather then 'flee for the hills, I'm scared' abandonment ... either way, I think I'd have done the exact same thing.

@Padfoot - do everyone a favour and grow up, unless your like 15 and level 8? then that will all come naturally - I'm sure 'older' members will talk through puberty and these 'strange feelings' with you and 'safety on the internet'

anyway guys, we all know in a few threads time, someone will send off a player for a similar thing and @Padfoot will be demanding an abandonment ... 'weak refereeing' he will say ... 'last weeks ref' ... bla bla bla bla bla ... boring *yawn*
The key thing for me is that this wasn't a one off threat, the player repeated it not once, but twice. Sorry, but if I'm on my own with club assistants, I'm not waiting around to see whether he's serious.

@Padfoot Give it up. Perhaps verbal threats aren't enough for YOU to abandon, but you were not there and if @SM felt that he was in any way in danger, he was totally correct. We are there to let 22 guys play a game of football, not to be threatened.
Thanks guys. Your support is much appreciated. :) I've been around, I'm a pretty robust fellow generally, but this sort of crap has an effect. Especially when you don't expect it.

The reason I don't want to provide info on the other stuff that happened in the game in any detail would make the event too recognisable possibly. Nothing out of the ordinary though - aliens didn't land or anything :) In the hands of the local CFA now.
Without having heard the threat I'm with Padfoot here, but if you felt that it was unsafe for you to continue then fair enough.

DB & Conor, neither of your posts were beneficial in any capacity to this thread. Both have been deleted and you are on final public warning before thread bans & warning points. Regardless of whether or not you agree with someone's opinion or not, or even their additional comments, there are ways to say that. Others have done it in the thread, without making personal remarks to fellow members. Not acceptable.

@Padfoot, your posts do not seem to be going anywhere, merely round in circles and hypocrisy. A number of your posts in the past few days have been reported by other members due to your attitude towards them. You are a genuinely valued member of this forum, creating and enhancing good debate, but there are times, much like in this thread, when you need think about the words you use. Your opinion of SM's choice to abandon is just that, your opinion. I am absolutely not going to have a go at you for disagreeing with SM (as we've seen, you're not alone) but I am not happy with the way you have acted within this thread.

As I believe you could have further benefit to this thread, you are not thread-banned, but you are also on final public warning.

To all 3 of you, do NOT respond to this warning here in the thread, please PM me and feel free to include all/any of the moderating team too.

Thank you.
thanks for deleting my comment to DB too @DanCohen17 ... looked like a right weirdo ... ok ok, weirder than usual ... also my comment wasn't 'supporting' DB, just I love having him around the place :D

lets all play nice team!
I can't believe my only post in many months was removed! I've waited all this time to say that....

Damn it! Off into hibernation I go. :ninja:
I regret posting this topic.

One question; Not feeling actually threatened when you have been threatened? Help me out here guys. By very definition it is not then a threat is it? It's just fruity and abusive language. :rolleyes:

I felt I needed to vent a little to like minded individuals where the situation I was in would be understood. Not by some it seems.
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