Agbonlahor Red Card


RefChat Addict
Not sure what Lee Mason saw, but there's no way that was a red card.

Very rare to see both managers criticising a decision at the end of the game. I'll be very surprised if it isn't overturned.
A&H International

What is Ashley Young doing? That is a stupid challenge to make and likely to get yourself injured. If Utd are going to insist on playing him as a wing back, someone teach him how to tackle with a bit more common sense. His leg position is incredibly bad.

It's a freekick for Utd, nothing more for me, ball is there to be won (possibly a caution having seen it in better definition on tv :D). What Lee Mason has seen is not supported by the video replays. Mason has got himself a directly behind Agbonlahor view of the action which is not the best.
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I was there, immediately when he reached for pocket I thought it might be young going considering he was off the ground, but on replays I'd suggest there's argument for a free kick either way, more likely just a man utd free kick and nothing else.
Villa starting to be involved in more and more red cards this season, seemed to be hardly any last year
Nobody listens to 5live then?

Jason Roberts in real time said he thought' Agbonlahor caught Young high across the knee, and in his commentary was saying they had a similar position to Lee Mason. To his credit he reiterated that this was his initial thought after seeing the replays - No backsliding here and condemning the decision at the time.. Took great pains to stress that given the referee's view he would take the same action.

Giving someone a good crack in the leg is okay now?
I would happily accept a YC but most are suggesting NO card?
Maybe I need to have another look.
Giving someone a good crack in the leg is okay now?
I would happily accept a YC but most are suggesting NO card?
Maybe I need to have another look.

You're not a relation of another few brothers on here are you?