Junior/Youth After game fight

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Harry t' ref

New Member
Hi, i had finished reffing a game on Sunday- pretty heated game but no bookings. Game finished 2-2

Anyway i was getting into my car after the game and i saw a fight start on the pitch involving two players who played in the game i had reffed.
Is it still my responsibility to report the incident or was i right doing what i did and just ignoring it?
A&H International
I would have thought you still had a responsibility to report the incident to be honest mate. It still took place at your match venue, and you yourself were still there.
How soon after the match was this? Why were both players still on the pitch? Was it two players from the same team?
Hi, i had finished reffing a game on Sunday- pretty heated game but no bookings. Game finished 2-2

Anyway i was getting into my car after the game and i saw a fight start on the pitch involving two players who played in the game i had reffed.
Is it still my responsibility to report the incident or was i right doing what i did and just ignoring it?
Getting into your car you say? I'm not sure you saw anything there.

These aren't the numpties we are looking for. Go about your business. Move along... move along
Both teams wore blue shorts and both players involved were wearing them

Sounds like you're being deliberately obtuse to be honest mate.

Personally, if it were me, and I'd witnessed one kid potentially assaulting another (I notice you're not specific about the age group or presence of any other adults - which kind of makes it worse to me) then I'd have:

a. Intervened


b. Reported it.

But then, that's just me. :cool:
Hi, i had finished reffing a game on Sunday- pretty heated game but no bookings. Game finished 2-2

Anyway i was getting into my car after the game and i saw a fight start on the pitch involving two players who played in the game i had reffed.
Is it still my responsibility to report the incident or was i right doing what i did and just ignoring it?

It's an odd first post is this Harry.

Have there been serious repercussions or something? Are you wracked with guilt perhaps? Tell us more. ;) :D
What did you see? Actual punches thrown or players on the ground, or just everybody milling around each other?
you talk about blue shorts - some players would still be wearing their jerseys, I'm sure. We need you to be as honest as possible in order to provide the best advice.
If he doesn't have any details about who the players were and he's not even 100% sure they were in his game, what exactly is he going to report?

Although his original post says they were players from his game, all we can tell from his later posts is that two unknown persons, who may or may not have been involved in his game, were having an altercation on the pitch.
@Harry t' ref - how old are you and what was the age group you had been refereeing? As a referee, not much you _should_ be doing in this scenario. As an adult, I would interfere, which quite frankly other adults should have been doing - where were the responsible adults from the appropriate club, for example? But if you are a similar age to the players (e.g. one or two years older), and not yet an L7, I would probably not intervene, due to the potential risk to yourself. However, you said getting in to your car, so I presume you are least 17 if not older?
For something that you have no official oversight of (e.g. unlike if this took place on the pitch before you left), its a personal decision whether to become involved or not.
Were you getting in, or actually in the car (door open or not is regardless)? Distance, thus your credability of a report?

Turn it to a match incidennt - are you 100% who, what, where and how? "had blue shorts, on th pitch we played on".....

Silence is consent, but then again you;ve got to know whats happening in the first place.

Close the door, drive home.
If he doesn't have any details about who the players were and he's not even 100% sure they were in his game, what exactly is he going to report?

Although his original post says they were players from his game, all we can tell from his later posts is that two unknown persons, who may or may not have been involved in his game, were having an altercation on the pitch.
Exactly, Peter. If the details become less clear on reflection, then can we be sure what we saw in the first place?
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