No it isn't Paul.
You're inserting presumption into the scenario that has neither been said nor proven.
The OP hasn't mentioned the player suggesting the red card was brandished because he was black. Nor do we see any evidence that he proclaimed any racist behaviour on the part of the OP to anybody else after the match when they spoke.
The guy was dismissed for an OFFINABUS remark and then went and spoke to the referee afterwards with his chip on his shoulder.
There's no "damage to reputations" or anything else evident here. The place wasn't filled with spectators and the media weren't there either.
Sure, if the guy appeals his card (on what grounds he possibly could defeats me though) then a further report done by the ref will go some way to explaining the intricacies of what took place but that's as complicated (or hysterical) as it needs to get.
It's not "big" at all.