- Ball over the top into the penalty area
- Defender is shepherding (shielding) the ball as the GK comes out
- Attacker carelessly shoves the defender in the back - obvious push - everyone has seen it
- GK picks the ball up
- Referee signals advantage, shouts play on
- 4-5 seconds later the Defender now reacts and carelessly pushes the defender back - obvious push again
I'm thinking there is a clear advantage with the GK having the ball in hand - and that the advantage is technically over ... PENALTY !!
I'm also thinking I can probably just about go back for the first foul and re-start with a defensive free-kick - and have the calm down chat with both players
I opt for the latter - quick sell to the players and look to get the game going again ... anyone 'brave enough' to give a penalty instead !?!?
[Yes, I know I probably shouldn't really play advantage in that part of the FOP - but - until the 2nd push there is no need to stop / slow the game]
It's a situation that I've been part of a few times. At low level football it is often a huge advantage for a keeper to kick it out of his hands, so I personally would've probably done exactly the same. As Russell has pointed out though, this is big area where you can enhance your communication with the players, positioning I think is also important here.
Ideally you would be <15 yards from play and closing down, after the foul I would try give a nice loud, clear advantage call with something along the lines of "I've seen it fellas, we'll play advantage, keepers got it, now't stupid" this makes everyone aware that you have seen what has gone on.
Then if the keeper boots it up field, keep checking back until there is some daylight between the two players.
In this scenario I would be going back for the original free kick. A couple of blows on the whistle to separate the players. The just call them both in for a short chat together.
[to attacker] " the first offence was by you for a push in the back, I tried to play advantage but there was none so we'll take the original free kick against you"
[to defender] " I called advantage, I told you I'd seen it, I don't want any more afters or else I may have to escalate from just a chat next time ok"
Then play on from the free kick. If you felt the need to caution either of them, unless one was much more blatant than the other, I would say caution both, or neither, just to save your own skin.