Admission by Confession


Blue v Reds started off as quite good match end to end good football till the reds were losing 4-0.
Red 8 defender unhappy with my decision against him for a foul said "What the **** do you call that?"
My reply was "A yellow card for you for swearing at me"
"But ref i didn't swear at you"
Fifteen minutes later one of his team mates started to moan about an offside and the Red 8 said "Don't swear at him like i did or he'll book you"
A&H International
I once sent off a player for yelling at my AR, from the Penalty Mark, calling him a 'f****** cheating c***'. Of course the players argue the decision. One of his not-so-helpful teammates:
'Ref, ref ref. He called him a f****** CHEEKY c***'
'.......yes, and?'
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I had a good one the other week. Gave a freekick and the defender is walking back into the penalty area shouting its a joke of a decision and cant believe its a freekick. I call him over to book him and he genuinely says "I was only asking how far the wall needs to be back". I just looked at him and he couldnt even keep a straight face and just laughed as knew he was clearly coming up with the worst lie ever!
Bit of a different confession but a confession all the same, a Premier League match official who shall remain nameless told us story once of a player who takes out the forward in a clear DOGSO and as they do, very quickly makes himself scarce. The referee is now oblivious to who committed the offence and after checking with the other officials decides that he is just going to have to go with the penalty and nothing more. Bang on cue the offender steps forward and says "Ref come on i know its a penalty but please dont send me off!".

There was one story the great Nobby Stiles told us a while back. Whilst playing an evening game - he took out an opposition player in his own particular style.

Referee calls him over and brings out the little black book to take his name - to which Nobby protested "I can't see a thing ref - the floodlights reflected in my contact lenses and I can't see a thing".

Referee doesn't buy the reason given and starts to write down his name.

To which, Nobby leans over without thinking and says "Ref - Nobby is spelt with two Bs..."
Bit of a different confession but a confession all the same, a Premier League match official who shall remain nameless told us story once of a player who takes out the forward in a clear DOGSO and as they do, very quickly makes himself scarce. The referee is now oblivious to who committed the offence and after checking with the other officials decides that he is just going to have to go with the penalty and nothing more. Bang on cue the offender steps forward and says "Ref come on i know its a penalty but please dont send me off!".

I was on the line a couple of weeks ago and the same happened, I couldn't see the players number and the ref didn't clock it either. Ref shouts out, "Skipper please come to me with the offender so that I can explain my decision," Skipper duly obliges and brings the centre back over to the ref. He then said, "I know it probably wasn't intentional and yes you probably were going for the ball but it is a foul and it was an obvious goal scoring opportunity so I have to send you off, sorry!" Player and skipper accepted the decision. :)
Bit of a different confession but a confession all the same, a Premier League match official who shall remain nameless told us story once of a player who takes out the forward in a clear DOGSO and as they do, very quickly makes himself scarce. The referee is now oblivious to who committed the offence and after checking with the other officials decides that he is just going to have to go with the penalty and nothing more. Bang on cue the offender steps forward and says "Ref come on i know its a penalty but please dont send me off!".


Had Jon Moss tell us quite a similar story. Manchester united vs Crystal palace He awarded a foul for Manchester united. clear DOGSO but he wasn't sure whether it was in or out, he spoke to his assistant through the comms kit and he replied with he didn't have a clue so Jon took an educated guess with a penalty. But by this point the offender had made himself scarce, so he decided to start walking through the penalty area when a player came up to him and said " but ref, I got the ball" :D

Now that is what you call luck!