
Active Member
Aloha everyone. I am referee admin, assignor, and instructor on a very small island in the state of Hawaii. I am Grade 7 USSF referee and have loved this job since I put the shirt on 5 years ago. I know this may not be the right forum for this but ATM I have issues for Sundays games. I will keep it short and sweet. We are short referees on my tiny island. We have a total of 3 adult certified referees and one is retired, one is me and one has never run a game. There is a game tomorrow, U18 boys, same coaches and players played this past fall. In total, they have played 12 games with each other and there have been 6 major incidents including coaches coming face to face, players getting red carded for dissent and for taunting. Coach is asking who I am, while I was the 4th official two weeks at the game, asked me if I wanted to fight twice and who I was after he screamed bloody murder at my referee. I was center last week and it was the same usual stuff. Four cautions for dissent and one for USB. I could have easily tossed one player and most likely more. I requested a meeting with all parties, coaches, league admin and also my HS admin because these kids are that age. The offending coach cannot be there because he is too busy with his 4 teams and his snack bar. For real! He will be there tomorrow either coaching, warming up or cooking hot dogs.

When there game starts I will be just walking off my 4th game all the while trying to manage every other games assignment. Help and thoughts appreciated.
A&H International
Welcome IR......Big in stature doesn't always mean big in heart. Size isn't really that important, you have the tools at your disposal in your pocket to deal with problems like this, use them, and use them again till they get the message... It took me a few years to earn my no-nonsense reputation and I never lost it.... Luckily for me I'm 6'1" so I suppose I didn't have many height issues.... Except I do remember one lad (who's actually, latterly is now a friend) who was 6'5", brute of a defender with big beard, I stood up to his antics for a few games and he always walked a line, never violent (with me) but mouthy and physical with the opposition, I gave him his one and only career yellow :smoke:.... (I only found that out recently). Now we are friends and both retired he told me how his team respected my authority and being uncompromising helped quell trouble before it happened some of the time because they knew not to do certain stuff. They will learn, hopefully, and if they don't, it just gets expensive and they eventually will learn,,, and mahalo iāʻoe no ka hoʻounaʻana :cool:
I AM NOW TAKING A STAND FOR EACH AND EVERY REFEREE IN THE WORLD TOMORROW. I will sit at midfield prior to their game with my two excellent AR's that I assigned to that game and will watch and see what unfolds. Without a certified referee, a soccer match cannot take place, right? My commissioner is ****ting bricks because he does not think I am serious but I am very serious. I will cancel that game tomorrow due to lack of referees or I will quit and walk off the pitch. It is that serious here and elsewhere in the world. Mahalo Sheffield for your thoughts, Aloha.
And I thought Engl8sh Sunday Leagues had it bad. Fascinating post.

Aloha from Sheffield where I'm about to ref back to back county cup games and it's absolutely bouncing down.
Aloha back at you. I will keep you all updated as of now but I am going to actually sit at the sideline with my admin shirt on, after refereeing four games and tell them they can not hold their game. I am going to make a stand and I have read so many encouraging threads here that have helped. And believe me, I am no rookie, They call me a ***** i think lol.
Nah just a bit nervous about my decision tomorrow is all. I know it is the right one and I have been researching it.
One tip (might not be possible)

Do you have dug outs on same side of the pitch, can teams not be put on their own line and separate to at least split them up ?
No we dont even have technical areas painted out. We will see how this plays out today. Three days ago I was commended for trying to set up a meeting prior to their game today to no avail so now I am the bad guy and a jerk! Who knows how this day will play. After my third game, I may just go surfing instead.
Well, my day went very well I must say, the coaches agreed to meet including the most offending two players and it went well. I think they had a change of heart overnight and that I was very serious about my point in all of this which is to clean up the game. A HS referee stepped up and we got all the dirty laundry out. Now, whether any of it works or not. Mahalo everyone.