Addressing players by their first name....


Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Do/would you?

Are there any circumstances you use this to an advantage?

Any other comments on this?
A&H International
I feel use them for the captains, and 'big personalities' on the pitch but only when in conversation and don't over use them
My worry with using 1st names is appearing over-familiar with the home side. They're the ones I ref for the most so that's the ones whose names I usually know.
Ive had some mixed responses on Twitter. Most are all for it to be fair, some only like to use the captains first names. Me personally, i try to pick up on most names if i can
If you get a teamsheet pre kick off, use it! Put the names in your book, have a crafty look after the first couple of minutes for the names of the players you'll be speaking to a lot (you'll know after 2 minutes, trust me!) and then use them at the opportune moments. It's great for making the full back move back up the touchline for throw ins - he'll wonder how you know him !
If you can use it to your advantage, than do it. I am not a particularly familar referee so it would be really rather out of place for me to do it but as long as it works for you and doesn't backfire than by all means.
Slightly different for me because I only do youth football, girls & boys, so not a big issue especially as I been doing both of the leagues long enough that there are a number of teams that I know well and they know me well too. Personally I quite like it as it makes for a more relaxed atmosphere and when doing 16 year old boys anything that helps the atmosphere can not be a bad thing!!
I must admit I'm pretty good with names so before the game I sit and learn the names of one centre back, one centre midfielder and one attacker as well as the captain from both teams so no matter where I am I. Can address two people with there first names from either team as well as picking up other names throughout the game, I find it jhelps no end with mutual respect.
That's a really good idea, Declan. I'm going to try adding that into my pre-game preparations.