Junior/Youth Abuse from parents,coaches,players and linesmen


New Member
Level 9 Referee
I'm a newly qualified 15 year old referee and refereed my 3rd game today.
This was an u11 game so I thought it would run quite smoothly without much argument from players, parents or coaches, I know that to get some comments is inevitable but I didn't expect this.

Firstly I had one player with his arms up while competing for the ball with another, as it was nothing too physical I let play continue. After the ball went out I had their manager questioning my decision, their linesmen questioning my decision and I asked them both to respect my decision and to let me resume the game. I then had the other manager shouting across the pitch to me to tell them whose throw it was and restart the game, but not in a nice manner.

Later on in the game the ball hit the cross bar bounced down on the line and was then pushed away by the goalkeeper. It did not appear to go over the line but I got abuse of the manager and parents about my decisions. Minutes later the ball appeared to me to hit the players arm inside the box so I gave a penalty. I then had the defensive team complaining about my decision to which I explained that it hit their arm.

Later on in the game their was a scramble in the box and then the ball was cleared the attacking team then took the ball back into the box and scored while the defensive team had a player down injured from the scramble. I only noticed that the player was down as they took the ball back into the box and because I saw no foul I let play continue. Because of this I received complaints off their players, coach and parents about how it should be disallowed and I should do some about it. I talked to the linesmen who hadn't flagged and said that I saw no foul and as he hadn't flagged believed I was in the right to let play continue. He understood that their was nothing I could do but did not support me in my decision.

After the game I then had a parent from that team come up to me and question my decision to which I said that it was my decision and walked away to avoid any confrontation.

I did receive an apology from the linesmen at the end of the game.

I know that I made some poor decisions during this game but I did not deserve the lack of respect I received.

I was just wondering if I could get some advice on whether I should have handled things differently, how to handle complaints from players, linemen, coaches and parents and to what extent should I listen to the linesmen when it comes to making a decision.
A&H International
If they are club appointed linesmen you should not listen to them much at all, if they are clued up on offside get them to help you with that that not much else. They will call for everything otherwise.

Your quite right to award the goal when the injured player was down as you said there was no foul.

Regarding the pen.... the defending team will ALWAYS claim it was never a penalty so shrug that off straight away. Its your decision and thats all that matters.

Regarding the coaches and parents. Warn the coach once about his conduct.....if you have to go over to speak to him again, thrown him out. If he refuses to leave abandon the game. Your league will support you. With parents.....tell the coach that they have to control the spectators....if they refuse tell him to get rid. If they dont go again abandon.

Remember as a referee you will always get abuse. People just love giving it. Just try as best to ignore it.....partic from parents.

Handling players is easy.....if they continue to moan after you have told them to walk away then Yellow for Dissent. anything with swearing directly at you and OFFINABUS.

You will have games like this sometimes.....its just part of what we do.
For the penalty, was it hand to ball? Or ball to hand?

The fact that the ball struck an arm does not mean it is a handball offence.
Thanks for your reply it was very helpful and will help me deal with match situations better.
Regarding the hand ball he turned into the ball with his arm so I'm not 100% sure what it would be classed as but at the time I believed it to be handball. Any advice on what's ball to hand and what's handball would be greatly appreciated.

Always think about the distance the player is from the ball. If he is right beside it can he do much about it. Also where is the players hands are they high in an unnatural position.
As a referee we should be respected, but I do think you have to earn it a little. Your first few games you'll question every decision you make. It's our job to sell the decision we make and the more convincing you are of that and less you listen to those on the sidelines the easier it becomes. That said I'm 30 years of age and still find it hard.

I'd say keep coming in here and get the games in thick and fast. You'll get more experience of how to deal with these situations and learning to cut things off before they escalate.

Trust me you'll have a game soon where you get everything spot on and be really pleased with yourself and it'll make up for any bad game.
Oh yes with regards to the lad being down injured at u11 normally any injury I'd try and stop the game. As it would be very rare they'd be intelligent enough at that age to be down tactically for you to stop play. However as the ball is being chucked back in the box it's hard one, and sadly unlucky for you. But kids welfare is an easy decision to sell. Even the attacking teams manager can't turn round and complain if a kid that age is injured.

That said I can fully understand why you let play continued.
Welcome to the site @Hannah :)

As a referee, you are an easy target, you'll soon learn to block it out.

keep at it! :)
Thanks that's really helpful. I do question my decisions but they should become more confident experience :)

Do question your decisions. It'll help you moving forward. But bask in the glory of getting them right as well. It's so easy for people to always be hyper critical of their own performance in anything. But acknowledge what you do well and how you can even improve that further.

That way you'll make the things your not good at better and the things your good at you'll be great at.