

Level 4 Referee
Hi guys! Hope your games all went well this morning/afternoon. Just wanted to ask a quick question based on my game this afternoon.

Fortunately (if you can ever call abandoning a game fortunate) I abandoned at half time not due to a mass brawl but a waterlogged pitch. It's been raining for the majority of this week in my wonderful part of Scotland and that continued up to and beyond kick off this afternoon. I started having doubts about the game continuing after about twenty minutes (players slipping, pools of water starting to collect at both goal mouths and middle third of the pitch) and at half time I was really concerned about the possible danger to the players due to underfoot conditions.

I got both team managers in and told them my intentions before having a final check and, eventually, abandoning. It's the first time I've had to abandon a game and I was just wondering if anyone has had to abandon due to inclement weather and how they went about it? I was at the game Willie Collum abandoned in similar circumstances last year and carried out a pitch inspection/made my decision for reasons similar to his (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/24790890)

I'm confident my decision was correct but claims from the team winning at half time that they're going to report me is niggling at the back of my mind. Thanks :)
A&H International
Referee I assessed today had to abandon at around 69 minutes a few weeks ago with the home team leading 3-0. The ground was clear when he kicked off but fog rolled in and by the time he made his decision he couldn't clearly see his ARs, so made the call to suspend. Waited to see if it cleared as quickly as it drifted in, but it wasn't shifting so after 10 minutes, he called it off.
Miky ...I abandoned a game in late july last year on a 3 g pitch for the very same reason also waterlogged my new phone and a bag full of kit

when I walked out 40 mins before ko it was 28 degrees by half time it was all over ...that was a downpour
report you for what exactly?

'and then the nasty wee man in black (insert correct colour) said nae more football'

don't you just love them :(

Haven't yet heard anything of my impending trial but I've started looking for a new suit just in case… :p