6 Matches


New Member
Level 9 Referee
Hi everyone,
I was just wondering whether 9v9 matches with full offside rules count as part of the 6 matches that you must do in order to qualify as a full referee, as I can't seem to find a definitive answer anywhere. I'm finding it quite difficult to get 11v11 matches and so if the 9v9s don't count I guess I need to look harder! I did the course with Surrey FA if that makes any difference.
Thanks very much.
A&H International
5 of my 6 games were 9v9 with offside and I found no problems. Might be an idea to drop someone at county FA an email to be certain
just send him an email. he knows everything and is a bit of a guru. he did my course in horsham.

and he looks like ron atkinson