5-A-Side Substitutions


New Member

I officiate at my local Play Football (5-A-Side) similiar to Goals, Power League etc and have done since it opened in August/September last year.

I only allow teams to make substitutions when the ball is 'dead' - either when a freekick/penalty or goal is awarded - except in case of injury where it is clear the player needs to be substituted and the goalkeeper has the ball i will stop the game and allow the substitution to be made.

I do not consider the ball dead when the goalkeeper has possession as Play Football rules require the goalkeeper to release the ball back into play within 4 seconds (i have never penalised a goalkeeper for this, a 'yes please, keeper' suffices).

I had an altercation with a player last night who decided to call me everyname under the sun because i would not let his team make a substitution when the goalkeeper was in possession of the ball (no injury), so i abandoned the game - needless to say his team mates/opposition weren't too happy, but it wasn't my money he was wasting.

Can somebody please advise whether my understanding is incorrect?


A&H International
Welcome to the site.

I think the same. Just coz the keeper has hold of it doesn't mean the balls dead. So you were well within your rights to not allow the sub
Thanks Ross.

My understanding is that as the pitch is enclosed the ball is in play at all times unless the whistle is blown for either a free kick, penalty, goal or injury.
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I thought it was rolling subs on off as they please regardless of where the ball is. I officiate at leisure leagues where they have a zero tolerance to any form of verbal abuse, so he would have gotten a rc immediately!!
Thanks Ross.

My understanding is that as the pitch is enclosed the ball is in play at all times unless the whistle is blown for either a free kick, penalty, goal or injury.
It's the way I used to deal with subs at power league. Only when the ball went dead