3rd assessment

Lol. You're special mate!

They do appear to be grooming you, and why not. Excellent chance of you progressing up the ranks given your progress to date and your age.
A&H International
Exactly be thankful you've had more assessments as that can only be a good thing, you've got age on your side to go as far as you want. It's a shame the welsh premier league is so pap as I don't know how the top guys in Wales go from that to European games.

Ben, seems like you'll be getting your 3B for next season then, onwards and upwards from then eh no reason you can't follow the so called pembrokeshire prodigal two eh.
Who are the prodigal two? :)

Honestly, I don't know if I have the skills to go much further. My original goals were to get to 3b and do local first division matches. Humble goals eh? Now I want to do more welsh league stuff. Beyond that I don't know.

How are you getting on with your promotion season? You are going for 3a?
You'll get more Welsh League stuff as a 3B, primarily as an AR but some middles will pop up.

I've been messed about by the Army over my promotion, I think I've driven more miles than any other ref to get games but haven't had assessments. This is despite me speaking to the appointments guy and being told I was priority as I was the first to say I needed the assessments. It basically boils down to the fact the assessors won't drive more than ten minutes from their house if they can help it and if your not posted to a big Garrison town your fecked.

The good news is I'm off to Germany in Sept so will be lucky to get more than 5 games in a season out there lol. Should have switched over to the WWFA when I came here looking back.
Any chance of doing matches in the German system? That would be interesting. Depends on how well you speak German or are there army rules about taking games whilst abroad?
We'll find out about promotion end of May apparently, I certainly hope after 5 assessments I get my 4A, 3B would be nice but probably won't happen till end of next season.
Is it end of May? Hopefully I creep through this year. :) depends on that 2nd assessment I guess and whether they sneak in Another assessment before the end of the season.

Will try again for promotion next season regardless. Had a think about it and I may as well see how far this rabbit hole goes.
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You should be able to get to 3A and start doing decent Welsh League middles in divisions 3 & occasionally 2.
And that is what I want. I was looking on the Wwfa web site, there are tons of 3b referees in the area but relatively tiny numbers of 3a's? Curious.

Gonna give it a go anyway. Get this current hurdle out the way first though.
That's a good mark. Let's face it to get much higher than 8 isn't easy at all at local level with no ARs, the highest I've had this season is 7.8, all other 4 have been 7.5, I'm hoping now for no more, had enough of them for 1 season :).