2nd assessment


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
What a game.
I just had that feeling it would not go to plan - and it didn't.

5 yellow cards
1 coach set off
2 players nearly sent off
Apart from that it was fine

I feel my assessment might be critical of my positioning. Even he said after the game I got the decisions right but if I had been better placed I would have been able to "sell" them better. He even said it was a tough game and some experienced refs might have found that hard. Interesting comment.

I will post the assessment once I have it. not expecting a glowing report.
A&H International
Why aren't you expecting a glowing report? If all of the sendings off were good, and all of the cautions were good, and your procedural stuff was good, then perhaps the only real issue was positioning. If they only come back with one thing that you could really stand to get up to scratch before your next promotion, then I'd say that's mighty glowing.
He said I need to work on my fitness - which is funny as last assessment that was a good point.

I just have a feeling it will be not great. can't turn back time. I just await the report now.
Different assessors see different things. :)

Different games present different challenges. :)

Don't be too hard on yourself, you have not seen what the report says yet! Might be a damn sight better than you think.
Seriously what is it with assesments. Was assessed today nice and calm first half no real incident, by 90 minutes 6 cautions! The only critisim was positioning at throw in's so i am pretty pleased with that one!! :)
Here is my assessment

Application of Law:
As discussed in your match de-brief when inspecting the field of play it is essential to insure that a" pitch markings are in place. No penalty spot's, No
centre spot and corner quadrants not marked correctly. Although not obligatory there were no half way line flags to assist you. To your credit you did get the home team to peg down the goal net at the far end. A" cautions were correct however I thought that the Deal Town No 4 whom you cautioned in the 16th minute was lucky to stay on the field of play when in the 30th minute of play he gave you a verbal assault with foul and abusive language.

2. Match Control:
To your credit you did-try to talk to players and calm things down befcre taking action but consider making your decisions quickly and firmly and do not
hesitate beforemaklnq them. You do not have to justify every decislon-you.make by infprrning,them as to how you cameto your decision. You controlled the game in your own way and to be fair you stuck toariy decision that you made. You did we" to-spot the foul on the Deal Town keeper in the 42nd minute of play. You also dealt firmly with the A.P.M. coach in the 82nd mlnute by sending him from the dugout. ' .

3. Positioning, Fitness and Work rate:
This is where you have to try and improve ~ the most on your game so that when you come to any decision made then you are near
enough to make the correct one. You got most of them correct but on some occasions you were too far away when giving them. Example in the 35th minute there was a penalty appeal from deal town and I feel that you were to narrow and far away to see the incident clearly and understandably you can't give what you can't see. (See also co-operation with assistants.) Your positioning at corners was good but also remember our talk in your match de-brief.

4. Alertness and Awareness, including management of stoppages:
'All substitutions were carried out correctly and efficiently. (We" done.) :In.the 65th minute of the game the A.P.M. number 10 wits injured in a collision and was Iy.ing,on.the ground for several minutes before you stopped the' game for him to have treatment, be,aware of player Needing treatment. (See'a'ISo tearnwork.) As previously stated you did we" to talkto players but consider that this can sometimes hold the game up, far better to try and keep the game flowing.

5. Communication:
As stated you communicated with players and officials
throughout the game but please take note of my previous comments. You whistle tone was
Loud and audible but a little one tone as discussed in your match de-brief try and make it talk as to the severity of the offence. Your hand and arm signals were on the whole good with the correct signal for advantage. You used your cards correctly when needed.

6. Teamwork:
Your instructions to your assistants were basic and adequate for this level of football but it would also help if you asked them to keep their flag up until you overrule or acknowledge them. On three occasions in the game you missed your assistant's flag for offside. As discussed in your match de-brief try not to ball watch and every time the ball goes forward get into the habit of glancing over at your assistant. By doing this you won't miss them.

7. Advantage:
You played advantage well when you had to and on a couple of occasions when you had to bring play back you did it well. You also used the correct hand and arm signal with a good shout of play on advantage. (Well done)
Try to avoid commenting on assessments BUT

Penalty mark not penalty spot
Offensive insulting and abusive language not foul and abusive
Bad spelling and typing so not proof read before being sent

Other than that, some good practical advice given
I have now had my three assessments for this promotion period (rather early considering we have so many going for promotion, and some have had none, most one and only a few two, but guess i'm just lucky?) and on each game, I have had my assessment come through a day or two later, each with a similarly thorough summary of the game, my performance etc. On all three occasions I can see not only my mark awarded (75,76 & 78 which was pleasing) but also the individual breakdowns of each section and the weighting. (for example 3.5 x2, or 4 x5.)

I am puzzled as to why you do not know your mark. Is this a county by county issue, rather than a standard procedure?

p.s take the feedback on board and good luck with your third assessment mate.
I've never been given my mark on an assessment. Been with 6 different CFA's too
Maybe Suffolk are in the minority then? It is a relatively new thing, my old man was amazed we get assessment scores, but then he hasn't applied for promotion or been assessed for over ten years as its very much a part time hobby for him these days. It always surprises me how counties have different procedures from one association to the next, why wouldn't all counties have the same system? Anyone else care to state their parent association or whether or not you get to see assessment scores, purely for my curiosity? Cheers.
We don't get them at London, until level 4 I believe.
Any idea what score I would have got??
Don't worry I'm not expecting a MASSIVE excerpt score from this.
Be honest I don't mind
if any assessors are on here an idea of a score would be great
I'm in my 5th season as a Supply League assessor with 3 years as County assessor before that and I wouldn't want to hazard a guess at a report which contains fewer words in total, than I usually have in one section of a promotion report.
Im with Cheshire CFA and we are given our scores in the same way as Jimmy T explained, i thought this was the norm to be honest.