The Ref Stop

2 Sin Bins, then 3 Red cards?

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Simon James

New Member
Level 6 Referee
Hello and please have a think about this as I have seen replies from a few years ago with no actual definition.
Second half
2 players Sinbinned at same time.
Then over the space of 9 actual minutes 3 sent off (2 still in sinbin 1 minute remaining)

A) At this stage - The game continues?

B) Then another Red while the sinbin is still active - The game continues?

The Ref Stop
Two from same team in sin bin. At the moment of the restart after you send the third player off from same team, if the two are still serving time in sin bin you abandon the game. You can not restart the game with 6 players on the field in a team.
Hello and please have a think about this as I have seen replies from a few years ago with no actual definition.
Second half
2 players Sinbinned at same time.
Then over the space of 9 actual minutes 3 sent off (2 still in sinbin 1 minute remaining)

A) At this stage - The game continues?

B) Then another Red while the sinbin is still active - The game continues?

Were all the 4 players sent off members of the same side? I will assume "Yes" for the purposes of my answer.
The FA guidance:
If those sin binned are there for the first team the match continues as they are under the referee's control and direction.
If in the sin bin for a second time, and therefore not going to return, abandon.
Were all the 4 players sent off members of the same side? I will assume "Yes" for the purposes of my answer.
The FA guidance:
If those sin binned are there for the first team the match continues as they are under the referee's control and direction.
If in the sin bin for a second time, and therefore not going to return, abandon.
I am surprised at this guidance. The law is specific on the case when a player leaves the field of play without permission to make it less than seven. Play must not restart (even if that player is still under the referee's control and direction).

A similar situation for injuries. Injured players on the bench are under the control of the referee but same guidance could potentially mean we can have a game of 11 vs 1.
Were all the 4 players sent off members of the same side? I will assume "Yes" for the purposes of my answer.
The FA guidance:
If those sin binned are there for the first team the match continues as they are under the referee's control and direction.
If in the sin bin for a second time, and therefore not going to return, abandon.
I'm not sure that is correct. This is in the current online guide:


If I remember correctly when it first got rolled out this was wrong and there are documents knocking around that say the match can continue with less than 7, but these are incorrect and if as a result of a team being reduced to less than 7 the game is abandoned.
I am surprised at this guidance. The law is specific on the case when a player leaves the field of play without permission to make it less than seven. Play must not restart (even if that player is still under the referee's control and direction).

A similar situation for injuries. Injured players on the bench are under the control of the referee but same guidance could potentially mean we can have a game of 11 vs 1.
You are right.
The game is abandoned it the team is reduced to less than 7 due to sin bins.
As explained above when it was first launched the FA had to clarify this as some counties were saying yes and some were saying no, hence there are documents out there with incorrect info now 🤷🏻‍♂️
To clarify, all players of the same team!
This is why the question has been raised, due to bad discipline being give the cards.
Clarification is the key.
Thank you for your replies so far... very varied, which is interesting to say the least.
When the sin bin trials were first introduced, the guidance from The FA was that if a team had less than 7 players on the field but players would be returning (i.e. a first sin bin, not a second sin bin) then you would continue. When sin bins were rolled out to all grassroots football at Step 5 and below, the guidance changed, so that if a team drops to less than 7 on the field at any point then you abandon, regardless of whether the sin binned player is returning.
Queried this on June 14th 2019. There were a few on here supporting The FAs incorrect initial interpretation.

"Many thanks for your e mail.

The FA has sent out (or is about to send out) a correction to their original guideline which will confirm that if a team is reduced to fewer than 7 players for ANY REASON (including a temporary dismissal) then the match is abandoned.

Best Wishes
Hello and please have a think about this as I have seen replies from a few years ago with no actual definition.
Second half
2 players Sinbinned at same time.
Then over the space of 9 actual minutes 3 sent off (2 still in sinbin 1 minute remaining)

A) At this stage - The game continues?

B) Then another Red while the sinbin is still active - The game continues?

As people have said, if a team goes below 7 players on the field for various circumstances (dismissals,, sin bins, injuries), then you have to abandon the game and go home.

Thread now 🔒
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