1st Assistant Referee Appointment


New Member
Level 6 Referee
Hi Guys,

I've been appointeed to my 1st game as an AR

Received a call from the ref to confirm the fixture & he said 'usual kinda stuff' was expected to which I informed him that this was my 1st game as an AR & did not know what to expect, so I was a little surprised by what he stated........

10:30am KO, so be at the ground for 09:30am & that a Collar & Tie was expected

Now I admire the ethos of the formal presentation & accept that presenting myself a full 1hr prior to KO gives ample time for preparation (only hope he's not expecting a 30min warm up regime :confused:) but for £18 fee this seems a little OTT considering I have a game in the middle in the afternoon (2pm KO) that does not require the same discipline & the fee will be £27

A&H International
I see where you're coming from, but look at it this way; whilst you might not be paid as much, will spend more time in attendance and having to dress up can seem a bit OTT, IF you have an experienced sympathetic referee in the middle, you will be very thankful for the opportunity. You have the opportunity to learn so much from a better qualified, more experience referee, take it with both hands and enjoy it.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, seek clarification, be sure you know what's expected of you, the referee would prefer 20 questions before kick-off than uncertainty during the game. Seriously; enjoy it. Running the line in a team of three is a steep learning curve; enjoy it and you're refereeing will go from strength to strength.
Out of interest, what standard is this game?

But that is very much the norm.
For my middles now, I arrive 1hr30m before KO (suited up) and ask my AR's to be there by 1hr15m prior. That leaves ample time for pre-match cuppa (very important at supply & contrib) as well as pitch check pre-match instructions and get changed before the team sheets are presented 45m before KO. Will then go for a warm up (30m before KO) for around 15/20 minutes.

My line this Sat, the ref has asked us to arrive by 13:15, which is 1hr45m before KO.
Best bit of advice I was ever given before AR appointment - a fast flag is a crap flag! I then proceeded to forget this advice 60 minutes in. It was a crap flag in case you were wondering :)

Listen carefully to the prematch instructions, ask questions for anything your unsure of, good eye contact with the referee and regardless of what is going on behind you do not turn around if you get a comment from the crowd - you will only encourage them to give you more abuse! You will be surprised what you hear on the line that you miss while being otherwise engaged in the middle!

And enjoy it. It is great to be a part of a team of officials.
Well I was totally wrong :confused: I arrived at the designated hour Suited & Booted (which I believe is a good thing for setting the tone), met my fellow AR & Referee in the clubhouse & enjoyed a cup of tea (very warm & respectful welcome from the home club officials), got a good steer & pre match talk from my colleagues & had a thoroughly enjoyable game (learnt alot, & it wasn't as easy as I thought it was going to be! thankfully, I didn't embarrass either myself or them) & to my great surprise, I was able to claim travelling expenses & got an actual match fee of £24.................can't wait to run the line again soon :)
Best bit of advice I was ever given before AR appointment - a fast flag is a crap flag! I then proceeded to forget this advice 60 minutes in. It was a crap flag in case you were wondering :)

Listen carefully to the prematch instructions, ask questions for anything your unsure of, good eye contact with the referee and regardless of what is going on behind you do not turn around if you get a comment from the crowd - you will only encourage them to give you more abuse! You will be surprised what you hear on the line that you miss while being otherwise engaged in the middle!

And enjoy it. It is great to be a part of a team of officials.

Great advice Monkey - Glad you enjoyed the game Claddagh.
Out of interest, what standard is this game?

But that is very much the norm.
For my middles now, I arrive 1hr30m before KO (suited up) and ask my AR's to be there by 1hr15m prior. That leaves ample time for pre-match cuppa (very important at supply & contrib) as well as pitch check pre-match instructions and get changed before the team sheets are presented 45m before KO. Will then go for a warm up (30m before KO) for around 15/20 minutes.

My line this Sat, the ref has asked us to arrive by 13:15, which is 1hr45m before KO.

It's a Midland Combination Game
Out of interest, what standard is this game?

But that is very much the norm.
For my middles now, I arrive 1hr30m before KO (suited up) and ask my AR's to be there by 1hr15m prior. That leaves ample time for pre-match cuppa (very important at supply & contrib) as well as pitch check pre-match instructions and get changed before the team sheets are presented 45m before KO. Will then go for a warm up (30m before KO) for around 15/20 minutes.

My line this Sat, the ref has asked us to arrive by 13:15, which is 1hr45m before KO.

Just to echo what Dan says here, pre match preparation is the most important thing of match day. Most referees ask AR to be at games at least 1hr 45m prior to the game. Normally 2hr. You need that time to build a little relationship with your colleagues especially from supply level and upwards.
Years ago a team of 3 of us went to Almondsbury

We met at the local Asda! Sat and had an omllette & pot of tea, referee did his piece there, most enjoyable pre-match meeting I've ever had!

Living at the snooty end of Oxford I'm more of a Waitrose man now! ;-)