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  1. B

    Just don't know

    Definitely think having a go on the line would be valuable experience just for the team ethos. I got into refereeing to help out the junior club I coach at and to be fair the junior matches I've done have been a little more enjoyable. The 2 OA matches I've done have been fine but I can't say...
  2. B

    Just don't know

    How I feel about refereeing after my first 5 games. Nothing bad has happened and I've had hand shakes from each team after the match and thanks, but during the actual match I just think to myself why am I doing this. I'm not particularly enjoying it. Just wondered if anyone else felt...
  3. B

    Am I going crazy?

    Spot on application of the LOTG. Amazing how few players, coaches, parents actually know the laws but I actually thought that was quite a well known one. Numerous instances of it happening in the professional game, but maybe the younger generation just aren't watching as much football
  4. B

    A red card ?

    The fact you're thinking through decisions and trying to learn means that you'll improve every single game. When the coach gives you an unhelpful response like that it's unsurprising that his players are using that language towards an official.
  5. B

    A red card ?

    It's a red.