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  1. Stan Beal


    Burton, Bury and Shrewsbury.
  2. Stan Beal

    First Game Tomorrow

    Hi everyone - thanks for the help. My first game went okay, but I had my second game today (U13 boys) and I thought it went really well. Gave my first penalty but it was stonewall, not much dissent. Got some praise from spectators and the managers of both sides, too.
  3. Stan Beal


    New young ref here. Long-suffering Plymouth Argyle fan for my sins in a previous life.
  4. Stan Beal

    First Game Tomorrow

    Hi everyone, I'm a 17 year old referee and it's my first game tomorrow - an U16 girls game. Does anyone have any tips or advice? Especially as regards to the general procedure before the game, ie. how long before KO I should turn up, my routine etc. I feel like even though I know the Laws well...