Ronaldo send off Supercoppa


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Simulation??? He certainly milked the situation, but not simulation for me
A&H International
First one there was contact so deffo no simulation, though the push should be punished. Second one in real time my gut feeling was penalty although in slow motion I think he dived. Not enough yellows afterwards though.
Referee lost control of this game completely. To allow play to continue whilst there is mass con taking place is pretty scandalous in my view.
I am with @Tino Best with the penalties. Think Suarez has dived and think Ronaldo just went over. There incidental contact between ronaldo and umtiti and I think Ronaldo goes down naturally. That said getti g a caution for taking your shirt off is a dangerous game to play. What a stupid caution to get. And looking at a few more game for pushing the referee.
Wow - first up, two cracking goals by Real.
These are the best players in the world. It is such a shame that they are also the biggest liars, cheats and whingers.

Suarez dives, should be a YC, if there is slight contact it is after he has dived. But Navas does a strange hack with one leg that basically asks for a penalty. It's a mistake from the ref but I can see why it's been given.
Ronaldo goes over after slight contact. It's barely a push, he's off balance, it doesn't seem exaggerated, ref should have waved play on and cut the grass there.
Fully agreed, Ron will get extra games off for the push and the ref should have handed out more cards for dissent. Put 3-4 in the book and keep them away.

Overall this is just horrible for refs in Spain... imagine what park football and youth games must be like :(
I feel a lot of sympathy for referees in la liga. Every game is full of exaggeration, simulation, snide play, pretty much every dirty trick under the sun and add into that some of the best players in the world on s real v Barca game, it's nearly impossible imo to ref.

I saw the majority of the game, Suarez dives, leaves his leg hanging intentionally looking for contact which does come. Suarez rolls around like he's been shot, Ramos goes to haul him off the ground which wasn't ideal either.

Thought the Ronaldo 'dive' was neither a foul not a dive, play on imo. The push though is despicable, needs banning, not least to set an example that that sort of behaviour is unacceptable.
First one there was contact so deffo no simulation, QUOTE]
I've never understood or bought that idea. Just because there was contact doesn't mean no dive. Means it's less likely, sure - sometimes a player just happens to lose their footing easily, but it's dangerous to essentially have a rule of 'contact equals no dive'
I'm happy with a dive being the decision. But right or wrong, the push was disgraceful. Players who assault referees, even like this, should have their suspensions measured in years. He'll probably just get a few weeks.
Oh I agree completely, nothing nothing should justify ronaldo's reaction. As for Suarez I agree again, in real time it seemed like a foul to me, in slow motion and from another angle you can see him dangling his foot there.

But with Navas charging in like that recklessly you are basically asking for a pen to be given. And I do understand why the ref gave it as a pen.

Overall, I think the ref didn't do himself any favours. He let things boil over towards the latter parts of the game, and lost whatever credibility and good work he had up until then
5 game ban... good
it might come down back to 4 the minimum. if RM are successful in their appeal for the 2nd Yellow and RC. But I couldn't agree more and I'm a RM fan (not of Cristiano though). No place in football for anything like that behaviour. Nothing justifies that sort of reaction in my books.
I think it's lenient personally, one game for the red means only one extra game compared to a straight red card has been added. Should have been longer, really set an example that this isn't acceptable.
I think it's lenient personally, one game for the red means only one extra game compared to a straight red card has been added. Should have been longer, really set an example that this isn't acceptable.
It's consistent with the standard Spain has set over the last 2-3 years. Though, they did let Neymar off with 0 last year after his referee abuse situation after a second caution.

The range for this type of behaviour is 4-12 matches there.
Agree with comments above - not simulation for me, but the considering his push on the referee, the red was deserved.

Had a red card not been issued prior to the push though, I am not sure that he would have been sent.

(Also, hello, apologies its been a while :dead:)