DOGSO or not - was the ref right?

santa sangria

RefChat Addict

Just after 40 mins in this video. This is the last minute of a top level U14 game in sunny Helsinki last week. I'm the good looking one on the far line.

Yellows are 4-3 up so it wasn't a game changer.

What do you see - your sanction - why?
A&H International
I see a referee sprinting to get into a great position to make the call, interesting that no defending players were busting a gut to get back...I also see a player heading towards goal with an obvious chance of scoring and a defender making a genuine attempt to knick the ball.

Penalty and yellow!
I see a referee sprinting to get into a great position to make the call, interesting that no defending players were busting a gut to get back...I also see a player heading towards goal with an obvious chance of scoring and a defender making a genuine attempt to knick the ball.

Penalty and yellow!

I agree ...
thats pretty decent movement there... by the time both players look round he's jogging into the PA. I'd be impressed as a player seeing that, and you could sell me any decision you want on the back of it !
thats pretty decent movement there... by the time both players look round he's jogging into the PA. I'd be impressed as a player seeing that, and you could sell me any decision you want on the back of it !
Good stuff guys.
The man in the middle is in our Academy so he gets regular training and is a potential for the top flight. I'm lucky. When I flag I get to work with guys and girls this good, pretty much every week. The academy also reviewed this incident.

My first thought was the foul was the arm so no intent to play the ball, and ball not playable. I also thought that the proximity of the other defender could then justify no DOGSO. So, my first call was pen and YC.
However, the ref saw it differently. He felt the defender did move in to try to play the ball with his foot but was blocked by the attacker - and it was DOGSO. So, pen and YC.

From the video it looks like the arm is the foul. But in real time the great position of the ref means he saw the foot as the "attempt" to play the ball. The other reviewers also supported the DOGSO and YC conclusion.

I thought his movement was great in this game - and for this incident - but, this is what I expect from my colleagues. Our communication was also really good. After the game my development point to him was that he could move even wider and longer at times when the ball is out wide. It is the same dev point I have been given after what I thought was great movement. The logic of working on your perceived strengths. And I know more, wider, longer is always possible ;)
If he thought it was dogso then don't you think it should of been red this me just asking but from the video I don't see a hand I just see the trip
The video doesn't give a really close view of things but I'm struggling to see any genuine attempt to play the ball.
From the video it looks like the arm is the foul. But in real time the great position of the ref means he saw the foot as the "attempt" to play the ball. The other reviewers also supported the DOGSO and YC conclusion.
Just to clarify on this point - if the foul is the push then it doesn't matter if he was trying to kick the ball at the same time. The foul is the push - and that one doesn't offer the option of a yellow card.
Look at the way it's written. Whether it's a genuine attempt to play the ball is a whole separate consideration to whether it's a hold, pull or push.
If the offence is one of those three, then it simply doesn't matter whether it was an attempt on the ball or not. It's red.

Now, often a player will commit multiple fouls at once. Push and a trip for instance. In that scenario, the referee has the flexibility to do what he sees best - and he can skew that scenario to match a YC if he sees fit.

Impossible to tell what happened on the video. The manner of the fall is what suggests'push' to me - and if that's the case, then it's DOGSO. But it might be a trip - and if so, then a caution is fine, if it was a genuine attempt on the ball.

As for other DOGSO criteria? well, defenders isn't an issue - only other defender is too far away, given the striker is already within shooting range or within a few yards of it - the only other defender is further upfield than the player. There might be a case for direction being unmet if the last attacking touch was heavy and angled away from goal.
Now, often a player will commit multiple fouls at once. Push and a trip for instance. In that scenario, the referee has the flexibility to do what he sees best - and he can skew that scenario to match a YC if he sees fit.

In reality yes, we can see things any way we choose if that's what we want to do. In law though, you have to punish the more serious offence if they happened at the same time ... we don't have the flexibility to choose.
Just to clarify on this point - if the foul is the push then it doesn't matter if he was trying to kick the ball at the same time. The foul is the push - and that one doesn't offer the option of a yellow card.
Look at the way it's written. Whether it's a genuine attempt to play the ball is a whole separate consideration to whether it's a hold, pull or push.
If the offence is one of those three, then it simply doesn't matter whether it was an attempt on the ball or not. It's red.

Now, often a player will commit multiple fouls at once. Push and a trip for instance. In that scenario, the referee has the flexibility to do what he sees best - and he can skew that scenario to match a YC if he sees fit.

Impossible to tell what happened on the video. The manner of the fall is what suggests'push' to me - and if that's the case, then it's DOGSO. But it might be a trip - and if so, then a caution is fine, if it was a genuine attempt on the ball.

As for other DOGSO criteria? well, defenders isn't an issue - only other defender is too far away, given the striker is already within shooting range or within a few yards of it - the only other defender is further upfield than the player. There might be a case for direction being unmet if the last attacking touch was heavy and angled away from goal.
Brilliant post.