any opinions on diagonals?

craig christie

level 7 lancashire fa
one of the assistants i had last weekend during a youth match was an assessor i kindly asked him before the game if he would watch my performance and give me any tips at half time and full time. He said i had a very good game but had to work on my diagonals a bit more which i obviously took note of. my slight problem is it makes my life a little bit harder not being close to play when the ball is in the left back position and seen as the assistants at this level are part of the clubs they obviously wont give big decisions against their own team. i asked the assessor and he said i need to think about myself for if i get to a higher level rather than thinking bout getting every decision spot on. im not saying he is right or wrong just wouldnt mind another opinion.
A&H International
When you have club assistants who (I would imagine in pretty much every league) are only allowed to indicate direction of a throw in, goal kicks/corners (and maybe offside depending on where you are) then sticking to a diagonal is going to be pretty near impossible because you have to be close enough to play to be able to "sell" your decisions, if you are one side of the pitch because of "sticking to the diagonals" and an offence is on the other side then getting teams to accept that your decision is correct and valid (even though it may very well be) will be more difficult.
Of course when you do have qualified assistants, either as you move up or on the rare occasions when you have them in a normal game e.g. semi-final or something like that, then you can think about diagonals more.
The only part of the pitch you don't normally go into, whether with neutral or club ARs, is the square made by the ARs corner flag/goal line/18 yard line. Go pretty much everywhere else!
My mentor told me to forget the diagonal ,the following week assessor picked me up on a poor diagonal lol i think its personal preference
As long as the ball (for as much as possible during the game) is between you and your ARs, so you can see your ARs, and any decisions you need to make will be from a credible distance, and you are side on for dropping zones at goal kicks/throw ins, and you move position in the penalty area at corners, and you don't get in the way of play in the middle of the pitch................. get my drift?
My mentor told me to forget the diagonal ,the following week assessor picked me up on a poor diagonal lol i think its personal preference
Indeed it is. Most assessors have a bug bear, mine is "advantage" most others I've come across is the diagonal.

I'd love to see all of the assessments from an assessor training event, as I bet they all have found their own little problems. The marks would all be similar though

Back on topic, I look for pretty much what Mitch said. A good coverage of the pitch
i agree ross everyone picks on something different mine is young referees
turning there back after a goal,
the goalkeeper and the striker could be battleing for the ball and the ref misses it
I've known one assessor moan about kit, as it had too much White in it
Glad we could help. Any more questions, you know where we are