Open Age Outsmarting the ref.


Well-Known Member
Level 3 Referee
Just thought I'd post something a little different. I would be very interested to hear anyone's stories of when they (as a player, coach or even a CAR) managed to outsmart the referee. Not necessarily examples of cheating, but stories of out-thinking or wrong footing the match officials.

Let me give my own example. About 20 years ago I was a club line at a Sunday League game in London. Our referee (who I won't name...he may still be officiating!) was a diminutive little guy, who we all nicknamed Mr Magoo, because of his obvious resemblance to the short sighted cartoon character. He was not the best ref in the world, and always seemed to want to come across as a much stronger, more dignified and imposing figure than he really was.

I was lining our defence, and the opposition put the ball in the net. I immediately had flagged for offside against the scorer. There was an out-cry from the other team, and they all pointed to a defender standing on the goal line. Magoo came over, and pointed out this player. I explained that I had seen him, but the keeper had come out and attempted to stop the guy crossing it, leaving this guy a the only opponent in front of the forward who "scored" (This was no cheat, that is what had actually happened, a situation I had wanted to see as a lino for about ten years).

I explained the situation. The ref looked, bemused: "But there's a defender on the line.." I spelled it out slowly that there needed to be TWO opponents back to play the striker onside. Magoo looked a bit worried. He was remembering the Law, but was obviously unsure if I was conning him, and how to explain his decision if he disallowed the goal. We had been talking for about a minute, and I could see him clearly deciding to take the easy way out and give the goal. Suddenly I was inspired. Very seriously, with no hint of a wind-up, I said: "look ref, don't worry, I can see it would be a really difficult thing to have to explain to the players. Forget it, just give the goal. No point looking for trouble." I had read my man right. Magoo drew himself up to his full height (about 5 ft 1'), put on a determined look, then without a word ran back and signaled for the indirect free kick!
A&H International
and thats exactly why in scotland we dont allow supporters to give offside
Someone's on a bit of a crusade today!

I'd argue it's a good reason why giving offside to CAR's who know what they're doing can be a good idea? Or at least, compared to taking a semi-random guess from a poor position.
Someone's on a bit of a crusade today!

I'd argue it's a good reason why giving offside to CAR's who know what they're doing can be a good idea? Or at least, compared to taking a semi-random guess from a poor position.
a bit of a crusade. whats that supposed to mean
thats because it is good not to allow team players/coaches/ fans to give offside
In your opinion. Many others on here feel differently. And we've had the debate numerous times without resolution!

Happy to agree to disagree ... each to their own :)
I'm a car myself for youth team and of course know that it would be same if I was in middle I would ask that car to flag ball in and out of play and offside for me this year what I've mostly complained about is the referees iver not applying law even getting things against our team wrong and then also referees turning up like scruffs and late
Any former/current players have always tried outsmarting the ref at one time or another!

I was playing a as a center back 2 years ago, we were 2-1 up with about 2 minutes to play in a cup semi-final. Strikers got me one on one in the box. He took the ball one way and then back the other, as I attempted to do the same I lost my footing but as he went to take the shot, I've pulled off a goalkeeper-esc save as I dived in front of him to my right. At this point, I've held my face.

Honestly, I did feel bad for the ref but at the time, I didn't even think about what I did, I just wanted to stop the striker!
Playing as a fullback a few years ago, we had a 'centre circle ref'. We was missing lots and I was getting pretty frustrated. Anyway, winger beats me, and travels in the penalty box. As he pulls back his leg to shoot (at this point, he's about 10 yards from goal), I think 'f*** it', and wipe him out from behind. Clear cut penalty, clear cut red (DOGSO) and probably would've been a fairly straightforward SFP red too. Whistle goes, and said referee comes trundling over from the centre circle (yes, he literally was there at that point). Knowing I'm going, I point at the ball, and make the universal 'he got the ball' signal (tracing an invisible ball in the air with my hands) thinking that if I use refereeing signals, he'll think I'm a referee and believe me. So he finally gets there, and loudly declares 'I couldn't see if it was in the box or not, so I can only give a free kick on the edge'. Other team went ape. I didn't even get a talking to. I'm convinced I managed to con him into thinking I'd won the ball, and he bottled it and gave the lowest sanction he could get away with.
Love the quote "just flag for in and outs"... does that mean CARs are flagging all the time because the ball is either always in or out?
I seem to win a fair amount of corners/goal kicks when I play by rather than shouting "OUR BALL" at the (league appointed) assistant being the closest man to him and shouting something like "That's a goal kick, Lino. That's a goal kick" until he's made the right decision, but that's not really outsmarting them.

Recently I played in a game where after an aerial challenge their player has kicked ours off the ball (violent conduct) before they've both fallen to the ground. Their player has gone down holding his face and the ref has heard shouts of head injury so he's gone over to call on treatment. At this point a few of us have gone over asking if he's going to send him off for violent conduct. He's said he's not seen it so he can't, as I notice the assistant's flag up on the other side of the pitch. I tell him "the lino's seen it though, he's got his flag up, why don't you go and ask him what he's seen?" And he's told me "I'm not going to ask him, he's too far away to give that" so I've said "but he's the only one out of the officials that's seen it" and he's given a stern final "I'm not going to ask him" so I've said "well I'll ask him then" and walked towards the assistant, I get a couple of yards away and ask him what the flag is up for before I'm told to go away, and no sooner does the referee turn up on my shoulder, have a short conversation with his assistant, run the sixty yards back to their player and send him off. Job done ;)