Officiating a Deaf match

L Hart

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi Guys,

I have been given an EDF (English Deaf Football) match next week and I wondered if anyone else has officiated in one of these games and has any advice?

Also, you use a handkerchief instead of a whistle, right?
A&H International
I've done British Deaf Cup games as well as games between a Doncaster Deaf Trust and non deaf opposition. The use of a flag tied to your wrist is appreciated but continue using your whistle as normal because there will be plenty of people there who can hear the whistle. Blow the whistle and then signal with the flag to indicate you're doing play. Be patient with players who don't stop play on your whistle, their peripheral vision is developed to compensate for the loss of their hearing.
Talk to players normally but clearly. They lip read very well and can understand what you say. Don't think because they can't hear, they haven't 'heard' what you're said.
Games between two deaf teams can be very competitive but enjoyable.
The one strange incident I had was when I signaled advantage in the standard way, the deaf player picked the ball up because he thought I'd stop play for a foul by waving the flag.
BTW what teams do you have?
I've done some six aside with one team all deaf bar one. Used whistle and a flag, just need to remember they'll keep playing on till they become aware of the flag.