GK Handball


Active Member
Level 5 Referee
very competitive orange v yellows ending in a 2-2 draw however one incident sticks in my mind;

Oranges were in a period of good play, working the ball into the penalty area. Yellow gk comes out to block and then makes a second block and ends up on his chest, he then reaches out to grab the ball but unfortunately for him the ball is outside the area

I blow and award a free kick but should there have been additional sanctions applied?

There were a number of yellow players between play and the goal line so don't think a RC is right but maybe a YC

A&H International
It sounds like the keeper misjudged his position and thought he was still in the area.No card from me.
by the sounds of it there wasn't a promising attack situation so I can't see a caution.
As a player told me last season, if the keeper touches the ball outside the box then it is a mandatory red card. So it must be a sending off, because all players know all the rules dont they!! ;);)
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As a player told him last season, if the keeper touches the ball outside the box then it is a mandatory red card. So it must be a sending off, because all players know all the rules dont they!! ;);)
I agree.....oh wait sorry left of the dis- no need for a card unless he stopped an attacker getting the ball.
As a player told me last season, if the keeper touches the ball outside the box then it is a mandatory red card. So it must be a sending off, because all players know all the rules dont they!! ;);)

I had a 10 minute discussion with a manager over very similar action to that described in OP.

His "friend" who was a "referee" had told him that GK handling outside pen area was ALWAYS a red card.

I think way to answer is to say there are 7 red card offences, so which one do they think applies - that should win you the argument!
Sadly the myth regarding handling of the ball by the keeper outside the penalty area is spread by some referees.

The keeper in my son's u14s team has on a number of occasions received lengthy pre-match instructions from FA appointed referees including being told any handling outside his area would result in a red card. :confused:
When I played, I was a goalkeeper who was sent off for handball outside the box. A throw in was taken and I jumped to punch the ball as I knew I was going to land near the edge or outside of the box. I was shown a red card

Oddly I was the substitute gk, the starting gk was also sent for handball outside the box which occurred under similar circumstances.

At the time I didn't know any better but now looking back cannot see what RC offense I committed as there was no DOGSO-H from a throw-in into a packed penalty area!
As a player told me last season, if the keeper touches the ball outside the box then it is a mandatory red card. So it must be a sending off, because all players know all the rules dont they!! ;);)
That's okay - I was on a game where the ref put down an IFK, and neither him nor the other AR believed me :wall:

At the time I didn't know any better but now looking back cannot see what RC offense I committed as there was no DOGSO-H from a throw-in into a packed penalty area!
Sadly the myth regarding handling of the ball by the keeper outside the penalty area is spread by some referees.
Unfortunately, some competitions even have this in their (illegally) modified rules of competition. I was coaching a team in a youth tournament in Denmark one year when our keeper was sent off for this offence even though there was no opponent nearby and she had simply lost her bearings. It was clearly stated in the competition rules that any handling by a keeper outside the area was an automatic red card.