Costa Shirt!

Sheffields Finest

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind!
Level 7 Referee

Not sure if there are rules on this but why has DC got his christian name and his surname on his shirt, top of my head i can't think of any other example? I don't think the refs need to check it too often to know who they are carding!!! :redcard: Thoughts?
A&H International
It's to do with the manner in which Portuguese-originating people are named (DC with his Brazilian roots of course) - Diego Costa isn't his full name but a part of it.

Edit: Wait am I being really stupid here and missing sarcasm?
The Laws certainly have nothing to do with names on players' shirts. It's up to the competition organisers and in most cases far as I'm aware, the rules are pretty relaxed. Players can use first name or last name alone, shortened versions of full family names or even nicknames (allowed in most instances so long as they are not offensive). The most common situation for having first and last name is when two players in a team have the same last name although that doesn't seem to be the case here.

As far as the Premier League is concerned, the regulations simply state:
When playing in League Matches each Player shall wear a shirt on the back of which shall be prominently displayed [...] his surname or such other name as may be approved in writing by the Board.

So in the end, as long as they get permission, it seems the player can basically choose what name(s) he wants to appear on his shirt.
Thanks for the Tips PG... :)... Its a good job that this doesn't catch on or the shirt of former Hull City Tigers player Jan Venegoor of Hesselink would be weighty!!!
It was sth similar to Delle Alli where in the beginning of the season his shirt bore Delle Alli, then halfway through the season he changed it to Delle for personal reasons. Same thing with Memphis Depay, first it was Depay then he changed to Memphis again to personal reason!!
I assume it's just a personal choice.

Take Sergio Aguero as an example. He's always had 'Kun Aguero' on the back of his shirt; it's a childhood nickname based on an Argentine kids tv character.
Thanks for the Tips PG... :)... Its a good job that this doesn't catch on or the shirt of former Hull City Tigers player Jan Venegoor of Hesselink would be weighty!!!
I've got an old Celtic shirt somewhere around with this name on it. It starts about halfway up one side, arcs over the number, and back down the otherside about halfway down in a nice arc.