keeping up

richard ramjane

RefChat Addict
i really like those moments when a player appeals loudly for a throw, corner,GK etc etc with his back to you, turns round to expect you waaaay on down the FOP, only to find you are right behind them... with a great view... of their incorrect shout. Cheeky smile, raise the eyebrows and we both move on...
A&H International
i really like those moments when a player appeals loudly for a throw, corner,GK etc etc with his back to you, turns round to expect you waaaay on down the FOP, only to find you are right behind them... with a great view... of their incorrect shout. Cheeky smile, raise the eyebrows and we both move on...

I do that with every decision Richard, every single one without fail, providing it is somewhere around the centre circle!! ;)
I am working on my angles as a development point because I am still quite inexperienced, but it is not often I cant keep up with play when doing youth football I sometimes have to check my runs to keep behind play.
Had one of these a couple of years ago. 85th minute, standing on the goal line for a corner, no ARs, and the ball gets hoofed out of the penalty area by the defending team to put them on the attack. I immediately started sprinting to catch up and then the attacker gets slide tackled just as he enters the penalty area. Cracking challenge from the defender, attacker goes down in a heap and starts shouting for a penalty. As he looks round I can see that he is looking back towards the halfway line and instead he finds me standing right next to him. He stopped his shouting for a penalty there and complimented me for being right up with play. Apparently the referees that he is used to having, would still be in the other half when the challenge was made. Made a nice change to have a player compliment me during the game.
Yeah, I had a penalty at the weekend from a breakaway corner. It was a stone wall penalty, but when the players all went to appeal that I should/shouldn't give it they all turned back to the centre circle and then were surprised when I blew my whistle from edge of the penalty area.