Lengthy keeper injury...


RefChat Addict
Friend of mine at today's oldham game just messaged me asking if the keeper goes down for treatment and it looks like he'll need stitches etc, might take 10/15/20 mins. If the club don't want to sub him off, is there anything we can do except wait for treatment to be completed?

In this instance he was down for 5 or 6 mins, but just wondering, from a worst case scenario point of view
A&H International
Injured keeper will receive attention until he can either resume play or it is apparent that he cannot continue. At that point the keeper needs to be removed from the fop as soon as it is safe to do so.
If there is a blood injury, he's leaving the fop until it has stopped bleeding and been cleaned up including fresh kit if necessary.
If the injury is so significant that there will be a long delay the referee can then consider whether to abandon play or not.

Think that covers it.......

But, who decides if he can't continue? Presumeably only the club...

If it's clear to everyone that he's pretty badly injured, cuts requiring multiple stiches or similar, but it'll take 15/20 mins to sort out, do you have to wait?

I presume you do...I'm sure there's nothing that says we have any authority in this matter but it could quote easily affect your match control if one team is taking the piss!

But, who decides if he can't continue? Presumeably only the club...

If it's clear to everyone that he's pretty badly injured, cuts requiring multiple stiches or similar, but it'll take 15/20 mins to sort out, do you have to wait?

I presume you do...I'm sure there's nothing that says we have any authority in this matter but it could quote easily affect your match control if one team is taking the piss!
It worries me that as a L4 you don't know the answer to this question Eliot. Club decides when to replace a player, you can't.
It worries me that as a L4 you don't know the answer to this question Eliot. Club decides when to replace a player, you can't.
Very true, but I'm going to take this to it's logical extremes if that's OK?

Do we have any options here at all? Hypothetically, how far can the club stretch it? If the club is adamant that the player will be OK to carry on after treatment, but that treatment will take 15 to 20 minutes, are we just obliged to accept that? When does extensive treatment become grounds for abandonment? And what if treatment necessitates leaving the FOP (perhaps to use some specific piece of equipment in the treatment room) but they still want to keep using him - do we then gain the power to refuse permission to leave unless he's subbed off?
A player (including a keeper) can leave the fop with permission and later return if a substitute is not used. Compounding this is the need for one of the outfield players to take over as the stopper.

But, who decides if he can't continue? Presumeably only the club...

If it's clear to everyone that he's pretty badly injured, cuts requiring multiple stiches or similar, but it'll take 15/20 mins to sort out, do you have to wait?

I presume you do...I'm sure there's nothing that says we have any authority in this matter but it could quote easily affect your match control if one team is taking the piss!

It would have to be pretty high level football if someone is going to clean and stitch a wound anywhere near the fop!
Injured keeper will receive attention until he can either resume play or it is apparent that he cannot continue. At that point the keeper needs to be removed from the fop as soon as it is safe to do so.
If there is a blood injury, he's leaving the fop until it has stopped bleeding and been cleaned up including fresh kit if necessary.
If the injury is so significant that there will be a long delay the referee can then consider whether to abandon play or not.

Think that covers it.......

Minty... offering 'Cultured Advice' throughout all of 2017.... You only have to ask Ull's Finest!!!
and to complicate matters, is our view altered if we're officiating a match where roll on/roll off subs are allowed?
No, but do we have a say in the length of time treating the GK will take - can't be unlimited surely?

That's the point of the OP.
~It is only limited by the time the trainer wants to administer treatment before deciding the player cannot continue. In other words, you can't tell them.
So @Brian Hamilton: the answer to the original question is that we have no options to resume play - in the case of a Keeper being injured the trainer has an unlimited amount of time to treat on the FOP. All we can do is add on the time? Interesting... I suppose it makes sense as the alternative would involve a procedure of forcing off a keeper, but not forcing a sub, and then forcing someone to change kit and play goal ...ridiculous.
So @Brian Hamilton: the answer to the original question is that we have no options to resume play - in the case of a Keeper being injured the trainer has an unlimited amount of time to treat on the FOP. All we can do is add on the time? Interesting... I suppose it makes sense as the alternative would involve a procedure of forcing off a keeper, but not forcing a sub, and then forcing someone to change kit and play goal ...ridiculous.
The game cannot proceed without a nominated goalkeeper who is clearly differentiated from all other participants. So that requires his replacement and at the level you and many other users operate at, the removal of his kit so it can be used by his replacement. as you correctly noted :)

I'm glad you think it is ridiculous. You may think so, but you cannot force a team to remove him. Anything else in the laws you want to critique?
You misunderstand me / I wrote it poorly. I don't think the law is ridiculous. I think it makes sense, I was just saying it would be ridiculous to go through all of that with changing the keeper, therefore we have no choice but to wait.