The elusive LOTG book... No longer elusive!

A&H International
Leave it with me, im not quite sure how he managed to get hold of them, as they refused me straight away. Ill speak to him though
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DB do you need one? I will get hold of a copy for you or send you mine and post it to you free gratis..pm me your address.
I'm surprised they're that hard to get hold of. I got one from my CFA when I registered for this season, I think it cost £10.

Seriously, we get them free at our local association meeting and we usually have loads binned at the end of the season! So in that case DB it's a fiver :smoke:
I'm surprised they're that hard to get hold of. I got one from my CFA when I registered for this season, I think it cost £10.

They are this year.

My County FA ordered from FA who in turn ordered from FIFA who in turn had sub contracted the supply to a 3rd party.

All that meant that no books were received up to last month, so Middx FA cancelled its order.
My county had a bit of a delay, but my book turned up for the beginning of the season.

Perhaps despite the massive changes IFAB weren't expecting such demand and failed to pre-order sufficient copies.

Still, I imagine everything will be digital before long anyway.
it will definitely be mainly digitial, but I think you should always be able to grab a hard copy - I always purchase a copy each registration, and always have it in my bag!
seriously i dont believe what i am reading, we get a copy posted to us at the begining of every season from the sfa



I just added three items to my basket... $25 for postage and packaging!! May just row over to the States, pick it up and row back!

Shipping is actually cheaper for international but I had to mark it up for the worst in case someone tries to order 20 books in one order or adds a uniform holder or something large the mailman loves pricing up on. Message me at sales@thetopref.com and I'll arrange a customised quote for you.
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As a heads-up, I'm in London on Thursday and next month and can ship from there. I can carry 5 books in total with me to ship. If someone wants, e-mail me in the next 15 hours on the above e-mail address. ^