Yesterday's Match


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Cup tie - very competitive match and very entertaining. Teams not in my normal league nor were they in the same league. No unsporting behaviour, cynical stopping tackles, dissent, nonsense appeals or blaming me when goals were conceded. Not even close to showing a card throughout. Teams accepted that offside without help is hard and got on with it (see lack of nonsense appeals). At the end, everyone shook hands (including mine) and a bit of craic with both sides back at the changing rooms.

Any advice on how to deal with this?
A&H International
With amazement, as it won't happen too often in your career.
Cup tie - very competitive match and very entertaining. Teams not in my normal league nor were they in the same league. No unsporting behaviour, cynical stopping tackles, dissent, nonsense appeals or blaming me when goals were conceded. Not even close to showing a card throughout. Teams accepted that offside without help is hard and got on with it (see lack of nonsense appeals). At the end, everyone shook hands (including mine) and a bit of craic with both sides back at the changing rooms.

Any advice on how to deal with this?

I had a very similar game yesterday, two equal sides, some good football being played. I awarded two penalties, one for each side and no arguments at all. Had a laugh during the game and chat in the changing rooms with both sides, an enjoyable Sunday.

REWIND 24 HOURS... 1-0 to the home side being played in a decent Supply League ground. I had to dish out seven cautions, 4 for away and 3 for home side, ranging from dissent, tackles and delaying the restart with spectators calling me a disgrace at full time. An example in the 82nd minute an away player grabs attacker by waist as he's about to get free on halfway line, so mandatory caution for breaking up a promising attack followed by another away player crossing the line with dissent so he's in the book. The temperature of the game in last 10 minutes was raised significantly due to frustration of away side so to keep match control I had to kill the game and slow it down.