Referee Lifestyle compared


Well-Known Member
Level 3 Referee
I have found this site extra helpful in seeing the approaches to refereeing made by many peers in the game, especially from different countries. It also strikes me that it would be interesting to compare in greater detail the whole life style set up (admin, day to day, cost) of referees from various areas.

To kick off (!) I am from Perth Western Australia. The State has a population of about 2.7 million and an area the size of Western Europe! 2.0m of these live in Perth. Football here is a growing, but still minor sport: Perth has two Aussie rules teams which each get around 38 - 40,000 for home games. Our single fully pro Association Football (soccer as Aussies call it) team, Perth Glory, get around 9,000 per game.

Football Federation of Australia (FFA) are the overall ruling body and run the A-League. Football West run everything at state level. We have as semi pro, a national Premier League and below that State Leagues 1 and 2 (with promotion between them all). As for as Sunday (amateur) soccer goes, we have a large number of Amateur, Metropolitan and Masters (over 35) Leagues all with 6 - 10 divisions. There is also a vast number of Junior leagues. Almost all of this is Perth or environs based.

Perth has about 500 - 600 referees. Here in Australia we have only 4 grades of referee. Passing the course you became level 4, with a further course (and LOTG and video test) to reach 3. Levels 2 and 1 involve further courses and fitness testing.

I am a level 3 referee and generally work at adult Metropolitan league level (I prefer to ref Ladies games, much less hassle). All games are allocated from FootballWest, who do an excellent job in organising fixtures. Our amateur season runs from April to September (unlike A-League which is October to April).

We have monthly coaching sessions to discuss Laws and their applications (voluntary) usually attended by 50 -100 referees, These are usually great fun and very informative and stops you feeling you are out there on your own.

I usually get allocated by email, two Sunday games each week. lists of unallocated games are sent out each Friday and extra games can be applied for, all by email. I never need to correspond with clubs, this is all dealt with by FW. At each game, match sheets are collected by me from both teams with full list of players, shirt numbers and reg numbers. If I caution or send off, I merely note the player's number. After the game I send the sheets, with all goals, goal times and misconduct times to FW. If I red card anyone, then I also send in a full report (we just note Y 1-7 or R 1-7 we don't use further codes I read about on site here). FW are very good at dealing with misconduct with fines and suspensions. Facilities can be pretty basic, for many games it is simpler to change at side of pitch than seek out a changing room (particularly as I deal with Ladies games, I can hardly ask to share facilities)

We play full LOTG, except that most leagues below Amateur use interchange subs (five subs, no limit on changes). At my level we use CAR, though NARs are provided for later cup rounds.

We pay $235 (146.57 GB pounds) each season to register for adult games (less for just juniors, more if you do NPL or State leagues).

Kit is paid for by each ref, Shirt $40 (25 gbp) shorts $30 (25 gbp) socks $10 (6 gbp). We have four colours of shirt (red/blue/yellow/black) so to fully kit out costs about $200 (125 gbp). Refs also need buy cards, whistle and AR flags.

For games we get paid at my level BEFORE the match. Men's games get $84 (52 gbp) and Ladies $74 (46 gbp). Pay is of course higher for State leagues (NPL $185, State $125) and lower for Juniors (17/18s - $66 down to 12s - $30)

I would be very interested on hearing comments from any of you in UK (or elsewhere) on the differences in how football is arranged there for referees. Apologies for long post.
A&H International
Why is the registration fee so high?! Seems a lot to me. Although it sounds like for even a new ref match fees are quite high. Considering we get paid about £25 for an adult mens game.
I was going to say, the OP appears to pay more to be a referee (higher fees, needing multiple kits), while also earning noticeably more for doing the job. I guess there comes a number of matches where it tips over into paying better than it does over here - that's one way to incentivise qualified referees to get out there!
£35, lol Actually £22........
There's the North-South divide for you! Surrey moved from £30 to £35 last season, Essex this season just started - but apparently if you go as far South as Australia, you get around £50!
Good idea. Very interesting. And would be great to hear about more countries. I'll share about my experience in sunny Finland.

Pop. @5m. 1m+ in the capital area. @500k in Helsinki. 1000 matches a week in peak season in Helsinki I am told.
Veikkausliiga (top tier) games are watched by 1-5000 and is pro/semi pro. Lots of artificial grass in Helsinki, which has replaced sand over the last 10 years. Grass pitches are used for maybe half top 3 tiers' games. The grass pitches were good this year. I am a big fan of the artificial. Most are the blades and rubber chunks kind. Season is from end of April to start of October. It is serious brass monkeys after that. It was zero this morning. Minus 20 even in Helsinki for a weeks in Feb/Mar.

Suomen Palloliitto (Finnish FA) looks after the top tiers and then there are regions. Helsinki, Uusimaa (outside Helsinki) and more for the rest of the country. National Veikkausliiga, D1, D2, then regional 3,4,5,6,7 all players licensed and insured then hobby leagues, too. Of course, ladies, boys and girls down to age 7. With the men, 5,6,7 are full of mates teams so Sunday league and very mixed ability but in D7 you are still in theory 7 seasons from Barca!

We get graded at the start of every season for R and AR. Lowest is men's D6 and equivalents and below for R. Lowest for AR is D5 because we don't use CARs - instead we are alone for D6 and equivalent and below. We have a stunning online system. I can see my match history, payment history, all pay slips. Matches are allocated every month. You can request more R or more AR or 50/50. There's a calendar for blocking out days.

There are a few training sessions for new refs. Then follow up courses every year. Then a selection of topic modules that are optional. But if want to get promoted obviously you attend. There are elementary cooper test targets up to D2. For D2 you need the Fifa fitness test. Most do a mix of R and AR. Promotion is discretionary. Assessors are ad hoc. But more training resources get implemented every year and it is all on upward curve.

Best part of the online system is the place to "sell" matches. It means you can browse all available free games and pick up extras. We are a bit short at some levels so there are always spare games. Plus we can access all each others phone numbers when we need to swap, offer or beg for cover.

Match days all teams should have names/numbers in the online system and bring printed match cards. D5 and below is rolling subs and some last minute scribbling on match cards is normal. There are also slight differences in equipment allowed the further down you go. D3 and above is full laws i.e. labelled starters and subs, equipment check. D4 and above we are there as a third team 45 mins prior for inspection, warm up etc. D3 and above you start to get buzzer flags if the ref has been doing D1 (where buzzers or intercom are used).

All goals and cards into the online system, plus subs/times for higher divisions (lots of iPads appear at higher level youth games). Cards are just letter codes. All reds are accompanied by a report. With reds involving a victim player, that player has to be specified.

D6 and above there are changing facilities and nearly always separate for refs. The futsal places have sauna;)

We need a license, which IIRC is 45 euros. Then insurance (possibly not for all levels, I can't remember).
Match fees in the regional lower leagues up to D3 are from @€20 (lower age) up to €84 (3D ref).
D2 AR €77 up to Veikkausliiga R €450. We get paid monthly. Public transport is paid or a tax deductible petrol allowance. the system automatically works out the distance!!!
My year we got a free Adidas shirt and cards to get started. Official kit is Patrick at about €60 per set, which is compulsory only from D2 upwards. D3 and below there is a mix of Adidas and Patrick. This is the only slightly weird thing - presumably because we are light on numbers and don't want to lose refs just because they are wearing 2008 Adidas or can't afford 5 kits;) You need your own flags from D5 up etc.

Big shout to my "jengi"!