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Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
Does anyone have any experience of being involved with the police due to an on-field incident? Got to give a witness statement next week, is what they expect any different to the report I sent to county FA?
A&H International
I have...

Player punched another, eventually went to court and I was a witness. A bit more complicated in reality but that's the gist of it!

Sent report in to CFA, was followed up by police and then it went to court about 50 weeks after the incident.

PM me your number and I'll give you a bell to chat if you like but just answer their questions honestly and you'll be fine.
Yes. On a pre-season friendly there was an allegation of a punch. I didn't see it (behind my back) but the targeted player had clearly lost a tooth and there was blood.

Submitted report to FA (obviously stating I didn't see it, and the other facts). The player had given a fake name, but he was identified by some of the other players.

Ultimately, I was asked to give an interview to the Police. They came round and did this in person. It was pretty much the same as I put into the report.

I was never called to trial, as I believe the offender pleaded guilty. I was kept informed as to what happened by letter.
I had a player jump at an opponent two-footed from distance, breaking his leg - match abandoned while we wait for the ambulance. Players are then milling around while I send the away player off. One of the home team players said something to him (not offensive so no need for any action) as he walked off. His father, who was a spectator, then came on and head-butted the home player. I had to go to the local station to give a statement about the head-butt.
I found the whole situation ok, possibly because the home team were either Customs officers or Police officers, so they were quite keen to make sure the offender got what he deserved!
Basically the officer who took my statement just asked me about what happened and made notes as I answered, then wrote down the incident as I had described it from my answers. I was then asked to read it and sign to state that this was how I remembered it.
I had made sure I had plenty of notes on the day anyway, marking down relevant positions on the FOP while they were fresh in my mind. They're not trying to trip you up, so if you don't know the answer to something then just say so. Otherwise answer honestly and you'll be fine.
In my case, I had to go to court as well, but there were a lot of witnesses apart from me, and by the time they got to my evidence the case was pretty much done and dusted so no problems.
Ten years before the incident I'd been playing for the away team when the father had also come onto the FOP during a stoppage and head-butted the Referee, so he had previous.
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