Confrontation and Rectification


Referee, Observer, Mentor, Player
Level 5 Referee
I'm creating a presentation to conduct at the next development day down here in Cornwall, the main topic I'll be presenting is dealing with confrontation/mass con.

Do any of you guys have links to some good resources/material that I can use to get the presentation fully up to date?
A&H International

just reading through that , it refers to confrontation with the referee, but the one that grabs my attention is the player;
 clearly verbally or physically demanding a yellow or red card for an opponent

i get this on occasion, but to be honest its never been overly aggressive... should i be cautioning the asker ? or do i take into account the tone of the request ?
just reading through that , it refers to confrontation with the referee, but the one that grabs my attention is the player;
 clearly verbally or physically demanding a yellow or red card for an opponent

i get this on occasion, but to be honest its never been overly aggressive... should i be cautioning the asker ? or do i take into account the tone of the request ?
if i player asks/demands a card simple show them one, the only person who decides about a card is the referee
I was shown this by a former FIFA assistant ref in a meeting last week, it has good officiating and some bad. I'm sure many of you have seen this before but it is a good resource.
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I was shown this by a former FIFA assistant ref in a meeting last week, it has good officiating and some bad. I'm sure many of you have seen this before but it is a good resource.

There's a lot more bad than good officiating there. What the senior assistant is thinking is beyond me, he gets so involved in the brawl he loses his flag. Even after it starts to break up he stays involved trying to orchestrate things, when he should be backing out of it to go and stand by the referee. Then look at his involvement level as the players are being sent off, he really should be leaving that to the referee but it seems he can't help but get involved.

The blowing of the whistle, whilst sensible to start with, becomes farcical by the end. If you've blown your whistle 50 times and it hasn't had an effect, why would you think blow number 51 will ..?!

And then the positioning is really poor. Given it appears that the tunnel is close to one of the corners, why on earth would you start sending players off from the other half of the pitch. He's sent players away back in front of the technical areas and has managed to cause another escalation after it seemed like it had been calmed down.

That said, they did get the cards right and all referees know what a nightmare those situations are
There's a lot more bad than good officiating there. What the senior assistant is thinking is beyond me, he gets so involved in the brawl he loses his flag. Even after it starts to break up he stays involved trying to orchestrate things, when he should be backing out of it to go and stand by the referee. Then look at his involvement level as the players are being sent off, he really should be leaving that to the referee but it seems he can't help but get involved.

The blowing of the whistle, whilst sensible to start with, becomes farcical by the end. If you've blown your whistle 50 times and it hasn't had an effect, why would you think blow number 51 will ..?!

And then the positioning is really poor. Given it appears that the tunnel is close to one of the corners, why on earth would you start sending players off from the other half of the pitch. He's sent players away back in front of the technical areas and has managed to cause another escalation after it seemed like it had been calmed down.

That said, they did get the cards right and all referees know what a nightmare those situations are

You spotted everything but one, if you look just after the confrontation started to the top right of the screen you might spot something that if the other assistant hadn't been so square in his view might have spotted. To be fair to that assistant though he did the right thing in staying out.

EDIT: In the video I watched you can see where the other assistant placed himself and you can see the other incident. I haven't seemed to find that same video so it is a bit zoomed in. But there is an incident in which a player walks away has an argument with the goalkeeper and ends up kicking the keeper. Not spotted player stayed on the pitch.
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There's a lot more bad than good officiating there. What the senior assistant is thinking is beyond me, he gets so involved in the brawl he loses his flag. Even after it starts to break up he stays involved trying to orchestrate things, when he should be backing out of it to go and stand by the referee. Then look at his involvement level as the players are being sent off, he really should be leaving that to the referee but it seems he can't help but get involved.

The blowing of the whistle, whilst sensible to start with, becomes farcical by the end. If you've blown your whistle 50 times and it hasn't had an effect, why would you think blow number 51 will ..?!

And then the positioning is really poor. Given it appears that the tunnel is close to one of the corners, why on earth would you start sending players off from the other half of the pitch. He's sent players away back in front of the technical areas and has managed to cause another escalation after it seemed like it had been calmed down.

That said, they did get the cards right and all referees know what a nightmare those situations are
The thing that really bugs me about the senior assistant is that he clearly gets involved AFTER the referee has initially stepped in and then decided to back away. And as you say, he then stands around telling the referee what to do - I'd be shocked if he's not higher level and/or older than the referee and has almost decided to take charge in a really inappropriate manner. Not impressed at all by a single thing he does in that clip, wheras at least the referee and other assistant have good moments.
The thing that really bugs me about the senior assistant is that he clearly gets involved AFTER the referee has initially stepped in and then decided to back away. And as you say, he then stands around telling the referee what to do - I'd be shocked if he's not higher level and/or older than the referee and has almost decided to take charge in a really inappropriate manner. Not impressed at all by a single thing he does in that clip, wheras at least the referee and other assistant have good moments.
He's clearly trying too hard to be the referee when that is not his job. I'm not even sure how he managed to inform the referee correctly from how close he was and was surprised the other assistant didn't say much.
The thing that really bugs me about the senior assistant is that he clearly gets involved AFTER the referee has initially stepped in and then decided to back away. And as you say, he then stands around telling the referee what to do - I'd be shocked if he's not higher level and/or older than the referee and has almost decided to take charge in a really inappropriate manner. Not impressed at all by a single thing he does in that clip, wheras at least the referee and other assistant have good moments.

Definitely not higher level, that is a contrib game so the referee can only be a L3 and the assistants L4s.
I have always been taught to make a triangle, between Ref and 2 ARs. Write everything down and don't get close enough to be hit either.

AR1, guy on bench side, is told to try and prevent them from coming on, and if they do write some numbers down.
Pretty clear what the ref has done wrong there. First, he brings them away from the tunnel then proceeds to send them both off at the same time causing more trouble after. Should have brought them one at a time closer towards the tunnel and then send them off individually to avoid confrontation when leaving the FoP.
You always need to think carefully in these high-pressure situations about what will happen next. Let it play out in your head then act.