The Ref Stop

Vardy goal vs Liverpool


New Member
Level 7 Referee
So eagle eyed Howard Webb with his many camera angles spotted the Law 16 infringement by Okazaki before Vardy's goal. Craig Pawson will probably get his knuckles rapped and his assistant, but let's be honest, how many of us in real time actually spotted that?

Craig will be in for a ribbing on Thursday night at our RA meeting now no doubt as well
The Ref Stop
Yeah, it's tough to call that in the moment, but probably should be spotted by top officials.
I'm not sure what people thought about the offside that was given either where Mane was clearly onside but Sturridge wasn't the offside was given even though it seemed as though Sturridge didn't get involved.
The offside was a poor call. With my ref head on Sturridge didn't help the case though, he should have got the hell out of the way and not followed the ball. Was a pretty obvious one the AR missed.

Same AR got another one wrong slightly after that, but in fairness, that was a lot closer and not an easy call so cannot really blame him for that one.

When we screw up, about 100 people notice. This fellow did it in front of 50 odd thousand. Must have balls of steel.

Isn't it funny, he had overall a very good game. 1 suspect call and that is all that people remember. :)
Thought he was a touch over-eager with the first card for each side (I definitely wouldn't have given either of them), but agree that other than that and this rather unusual incident, he had a great game. The less said about that assistant, the better...
The Wijenabaum (?) offside on 70 minutes was just terrible. I didn't get the luxury of any anaysis (Viasat is sh****te and even finished 3 minutes early). There is no danger of a collision with the GK. The AR has the wrong man. It's the kind of decision that sets the whole footy ecosystem back. But I don't think it is the AR's fault.

In mitigation, it is the hardest thing now. Two players central. One starts in an offside position, the other onside, and both move forward. If it is far from goal, I think the AR has to get the flag up. But the referee has to overrule by not whistling and ideally by immediately acknowledging the flag but allowing play to continue. The referee has time to overrule if the play is far from the GK. With the headsets especially the referee has to wave play on and overrule the flag. Of course, we don't actually have a signal or guidance for this "put the flag down - I am overruling" action!

If the same scenario happens closer to goal - if there is not an obvious risk of collision with the GK - I think the AR has to keep the flag down and then deal with any resultant goal or ball out of play after the fact. There is just not the time for the referee to act and the AR must give the attacker the benefit of the doubt - then discuss it i.e. stand still if the ball goes in!

This - (one from offside position, one not, both running upfield in a central area) - is the hardest thing for ARs now. By shear coincidence I discussed this very point with my ARs before a game earlier today! Thankfully we didn't have to deal with it.
The goal was obviously wrong as the GK should have been retaken, but I'm happy to admit that I didn't spot that real time.

The offside decision was very, very poor, and not something a top level assistant should be getting wrong. The player who received the ball was at least 5 yard onside, and really the ball went nowhere near Sturridge who was the one who was offside. I can only assume he just switched off and missed which player had run from where, but it is still a very bad error.
"A late flag is a great flag" - I've run lines less than 10 times and even I know that. He should have waited to see who interfered with play at the very least.
What I found distasteful was the way the Liverpool defender was sarcastically applauding his fellow team mate Lucas's mistake when Vardy knocked it in. Poor show. What a bell end. Howard missed that one. Poor bloke must have felt bad enough in front of 50k + people. I'd have shown a yellow for that me. :cool: