The Ref Stop

Quitting Refereeing


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all
sorry if im in the wrong forum honestly don't know where to put this.

I'm a long time lurker and created this account to get the feedback and advice on who I need to speak in regards to quitting.

I recently started a full time job which requires me working weekdays and some weekends every other week. Now of course I won't be able to attend matches so I feel it's pointless me continuing.

But that isn't the main reason.

The main reason is the passion has gone. At times last season I honestly thought to myself 'oh great I have to ref Sunday' and I hate that attitude but that's how I feel. I don't think it's right for me to stay on if my heart isn't in it.

Pre season I should be getting ready and looking forward to the new season but it's not it's not right for me to carry on when I want to quit.

So I'm asking you who do I speak to in regards to getting my name off a list so to speak so I don't get appointments and that I'm officially no longer a ref?

My county fa? My county fa referee development officer?

Thanks for your help.
The Ref Stop
I'd start with informing your county RDO that you no longer wish to receive appointments for the 2016/17 season. You can then also ask them to re-classify you as a level 10 (inactive) official.

If I were you, I'd still register though. You never know, in a years time you may want to come back and have another go - will save you having to do the course again.
I agree with CA - keep yourself registered. There are plenty of referees who take a year of two out due to various reasons then come back to the game. If you do decide to take a break I hope you're back soon.
Whoever is your league appointments secretary is the person you need to contact mate. ;)

As has already been advised, I'd simply tell him/her that you want to come off fixtures until further notice. They won't even need to know why and frankly, it's no one's business but your own.

You may feel differently in a few months or even a year or two so stay registered and see how it pans out.

Good luck, whatever you decide. :)
I don't think you can actually de-register, and why would you as you won't be getting the affiliation fee back. And even if you can any RDO worth his salt would tell you not to as it serves no purpose. Rather you just need to tell the CFA and any leagues that you are registered with that you are closed until further notice and you won't be given any games. If you still feel that way at the end of the season then just don't re-register with the CFA or any leagues.

Bear in mind though that if you then change your mind and have not been registered for between 2 and 5 years you will have to pass the written laws of the game exam, you will then be re-instated at the level you were last registered (between 7 and 5). After 5 years you will have to complete the whole course again at which point you will become a level 7 referee.