

Well-Known Member
Typical end of season game, both teams cannot end up higher of lower, should be a nice game, nice day.... Oh how incorrect was I. To be fair the sides were not great and football wasn't great either despite it being an intermediate premier division fixture.

First incident, no neutral assistant referees in this game, ball gets played through, I've got a great view, player starts his run behind the player, flag goes up, I am shouting "PLAY ON, PLAY ON, ITS NOT OFFSIDE" player is one on one, rounds the keeper and scores. I have a quick chat with assistant, explained my decision and to be fair he said flagged for another player no where near the ball, happy with my decision. I have a very quick word with captain too. Home manager is having a moan, as they do. Always difficult when club assistants don't know what's offside and what isn't.

We get to around 87 minutes and it's now 1-1, away side are lot more bad tempered by making silly attempts of tackles, possibly due to lack of ability or having a brain cell. I would happily issue caution after caution so didn't bother me. I had already cautioned 3 away players for stupid tackles. On 86 minutes the ball goes up in the air, home goalkeeper is going to punch the ball, attacker already on a caution is running at speed to attempt to head it it, keeper gets there just first and WHACK, goalkeeper ends up going sideways in the air, I am blowing my whistle so treatment can be given ASAP, both players are knocked out, unconscious but breathing. The physio comes on for the home player and is chirping off to an away player about his disapproval of the collision. I am trying to get players not involved away from the two players as there is a possibility of a mass confrontation whilst two unconscious players are in the middle of it. Thankfully it calms down. Both players finally come around, however ambulances were called. Both sides / managers didn't wish to continue to play for a further 3 minutes, it took around 45 minutes for ambulances to arrive, attacker came off much worse, couldn't remember anything about the day and looked out of it.

In hindsight, the attacker would have been given another caution, then a red card should all have been well and no one seriously injured, he was unconscious on the floor thus why I didn't caution him.

That's me done now, County Cup Final on the 10th May!
A&H International
Interesting. :cool:
Was any attention given to the away player? Where was their physio/coach?
Yes both were receiving treatment, the home physio was just more vocal about his opinion
running at speed to attempt to head it

Just wondering why you thought it was a second yellow? If you thought the attacker was attempting to head the ball, was there something about the way he was trying to head it that you deemed reckless? Just curious, that's all. If it happened the way I'm trying to picture it, then I quite agree, it sounds like second yellow. Did you include that in your report? Good luck in the final by the way!
Just wondering why you thought it was a second yellow? If you thought the attacker was attempting to head the ball, was there something about the way he was trying to head it that you deemed reckless? Just curious, that's all. If it happened the way I'm trying to picture it, then I quite agree, it sounds like second yellow. Did you include that in your report? Good luck in the final by the way!

He was 'attempting' however he came in so fast, goalkeeper looked just favourate to win it, which he did. If the are both jumping at same speed, no issues, it's when you come in at speed, it's reckless. He didn't get the second caution as he unconscious and as I explained to managers, before anything I'm concerned about the players safety, the attacker was actually hurt, more than the goalkeeper. The one caution went through, didn't give a second caution, the trip to hospital in an ambulance was enough of a punishment, didn't get a chance to restart the game to administer the second caution. I wish I was being assessed in the game (if the game finished) as so many fouls etc as opposed to a game where nothing happens.
If you had decided to caution the attacker you wouldn't have had to wait for the restart.

If an injured player is to be cautioned or dismissed then the card must be shown before they leave the field of play.
If you had decided to caution the attacker you wouldn't have had to wait for the restart.

If an injured player is to be cautioned or dismissed then the card must be shown before they leave the field of play.

I agree..... however he was unconscious, due to the serious injuries to both it was never going to restart again, and he wasn't going to leave field for treatment, both remained on pitch with blankets on until ambulances arrived
I agree..... however he was unconscious, due to the serious injuries to both it was never going to restart again, and he wasn't going to leave field for treatment, both remained on pitch with blankets on until ambulances arrived

So presumably he "left the field" when the ambulance arrived? Or did he magically teleport into the waiting ambulance?

Personally i don't think it sounds like a caution from what you have described thus far.
So presumably he "left the field" when the ambulance arrived? Or did he magically teleport into the waiting ambulance?

Personally i don't think it sounds like a caution from what you have described thus far.
Ha Ha - so a yellow for leaving the FOP without permission, even if it was in the back of an ambulance?