The Ref Stop

Shouting towards the spectators...


Active Member
Level 6 Referee
I had an U14s boys game the other week. Yellows vs blues and the yellows were losing 2-0 with about 15mins to go. The captain of the yellow team was getting very fustrated with the spectators as a whole(home and away) which led to(during play) him shouting "parents shut up!". I was questioning myself afterwards as to whether a card should have been brandished or not because it's not very offensive or is it?
The Ref Stop
Depends on the tone really.

Were they really getting involved or was he just being a diva?
You should have a quiet word with the player. Explain to him that he's already one of the best players on the field, that by reacting he was letting the spectators win and if he just channelled his reaction into his game, he could use the energy to become a better player. Make sure he was calmed down and ready to play and then get the game going again. Next opportunity you get, you tell his coach what's happening and ask for the home coach (may be the same person) to go sort out the spectators.
PL player shouts at the crowd to shut up = card?!? Kung Fu, yes (Mr C).

Unless it is specifically aimed and offensive it's his right to tell them to do one.

Did we read the thing from the 14yo ref - would you talk to me like that if I was in my unform not a ref kit etc.

Staning on his own two feet an making his own decisions.
major bollocking in the first instance, then think about cards, if a parent reacts to being told to shut up by a gobby 14 year old, and thumps him you got a whole load of poo which could/should have been prevented
You could be blaming the victim a little here - maybe it's the parent that needs dealing with?
To a certain extent I think we need to let internal things slide, unless he's getting abusive.
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major bollocking in the first instance, then think about cards, if a parent reacts to being told to shut up by a gobby 14 year old, and thumps him you got a whole load of poo which could/should have been prevented
I might have a quiet word with the player about not getting upset but a "major bollocking [...] then think about cards" seems like an over-reaction to me. From my experience of youth games if anyone is going to be guilty of being "gobby" then it's much more likely to be the parents than the players.
Personally I'd be debating whether to pat the lad on the back or not

Not whether to give a card
Oh no. I find myself agreeing with FartsShiniest. What's happened?!?!

But yeah, I'd be fully supporting him in that, and ensuring the parents learnt from it! If they pipe up again, I'd be inclined to say something along the lines of, you've already been told by the players and now you're being told by me - zip it.