

Next Weeks Ref
Ten minutes into the game you smell alcohol on a player and you are certain he has consumed alcohol prior to kick off

What action do you take?
A&H International
None unless they contravene the LOTG.....or they are clearly a danger to themselves or their opponents.

Let's be realistic here.....every Sunday morning there are always players who have come from a big night out and would undoubtedly be over the drink drive limit.....do you 'take action' with them?

If I see a team with alcohol on the touchline, it gets reported to the league, as per league requests. If I feel it has contributed to an incident of misconduct it will get mentioned in the relevant report.
But I'm not doing anything specific just because I catch a whiff of booze from a player.
i'd certainly keep an eye on his behaviour and general demeanour
if it looks like he (or she) is behaving erratically perhaps have a word with the manager to express your concerns
Reminds me of an interview with Paul Merson when he was talking about his drink and drugs addition.

He mentioned a game against Luton where he went clean through on goal, but fell over the ball. Most people thought at the time it was because he was useless, Merson said he was actually still wasted after an all-nighter prior to the game!