Couple of Gems Mk 2


Politically Incorrect
Two classics today: -
Ball very close to going out for a throw, CAR on that side eventually flags after prolonged shouts, blow whistle, throw in awarded.
Player shouts 'you reacted to the shouts there ref'.
'No, I reacted to that bloke waving the luminous flag over there'

Afternoon was even better. I was on a line for a junior colleague on an U18 cup semi. He wasn't having the best of games to be fair. Stood square on the edge of the centre circle with his back to me red player blatantly handballs right in front of him. I was willing him to give it but he doesn't. Speccys behind me going mental as they could also see it. 10 seconds later play stops for an injury.

Clown behind me shouts 'f'in hell liner, you could see that as well as us why didn't you get your bloody flag up?'
I replied 'being a qualified ref you'll know that was completely out of my area of responsibility'
Clown says puzzled 'I'm not a qualified ref?'
'Exactly. Let's leave it to those of us who are then eh?'

Got a larf :D
A&H International
If the handling offence was as blatant as you suggest then don't you have you assume the referee somehow didn't see it? If so, according to the Laws if the ref didn't see it and the assistant did, he should flag for it.
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If the handling offence was as blatant as you suggest then don't you have you assume the referee somehow didn't see it? If so, according to the Laws if the ref didn't see it and the assistant did, he should flag for it.

No, judging by some of the other things he let go. Perfect clear view, 7 yards in front of him, arm moves to ball to control when was otherwise going past him.

Play then moved towards opposite assistant so I would have been flagging like a knob with no chance of him seeing me indefinitely.

Assist not insist.
i got the old "can you be offside from a goal kick" yesterday from a 40 odd year old player, how do these people no know the basic laws!?