Hello all.


RefChat Addict
Got my BRC in a couple of weeks time and really looking forward to it. So disappointed that my course was postponed because of the snow. Fell across this site by chance and in the last week or so it has been a real help. Thanks to all posters so far. Hopefully I will get a chance to be of use in the future as well.
A&H International
Welcome to RefChat. Glad to have you on here.

Feel free to ask any questions, we'd be glad to help

What made you want to take the course?
Hi Ross. To be honest, and I suspect this may find disgust among many, football has never really interested me. My son started playing a few years ago and last season I got involved in some fitness training for his old club. Then one match, the coach asked if I would be able to ref as there wasn't one and the league did not demand qualified refs at that level. I thoroughly enjoyed the match, got on with reading the LOTG and, after being asked by my son's current club to assist in their low level league match, caught the bug. I have enjoyed doing it and would like to ref beyond seven-a-side under 11s. It seemed a natural progression to go for qualification.
I am sure as I go on I will have loads of questions. I will certainly be asking them.
Seems to be a common thing that, referee not appointed or doesn't show up so someone draws the short straw. Ends up reffing and enjoys it.

I really need to get to more games, I don't watch the football, I watch the referee. Guess that's the assessor in me :)
Ha. Funnily enough. The football itself still doesn't really interest me. I have no team that I follow (apart from my boys team) and I don't care which one wins. My son can reel off all the Premier players' names, country of origin etc, but all I am interested in is watching the game for the refs decisions. I find it a good learning tool. Doesn't matter to me who wins.
We all take up the whistle for different reasons, and its good to hear that your desire has come from your experience of refereeing :) Welcome to the site :)