Longest serving members......


The Persecuted One
shame there isn't a way of sorting the member list based on joined dates.....

Would be nice to see who the longest serving members are....the ones that have made the forum what it is today.....
A&H International
Been suggested many times over at the software developers forum. I can provide a list of users by going through my admin panel, but it doesnt show the date they registered, just the order they registered.
Special recognition for members who have been here the longest but are still active!

With the exception of a few, not too many still here from when I joined nearly 3 years ago...
Pah.... you old farts deserve nothing. :rolleyes:

It's the new blood injected in recent months that has contributed the most. ;)

Yes. That's it. :D :p

I think we should have a "member" of the month award.

Erm...... biannually..... :confused: :oops: :rolleyes:
I did notice the other day that several of the more active forum users from when I joined had left. Always seems to happen during the off season. Disappear without so much as a "good bye!" :(
I did notice the other day that several of the more active forum users from when I joined had left. Always seems to happen during the off season. Disappear without so much as a "good bye!" :(

That won't be happening with me Secret Mate. ;)

You're stuck with me until the bitter end now. :D
shame there isn't a way of sorting the member list based on joined dates.....

Would be nice to see who the longest serving members are....the ones that have made the forum what it is today.....
You joined the same day as @Tealeaf and that was 3 days before me. Between us we have nearly 15 years on the forum. @Ross has been here for just over 5 years and as he set things up, I guess the Forum was born around New Year's Eve 2010
I'm a relative 'newcomer' at only 3 years. Though, to be fair, that is nearly as long as I've been refereeing!

We need a 'Where Are They Now' update ... personally I miss sparring with @haywain on a wide variety of topics!
On the other hand, thought we'd got rid of @DanCohen17 , but you know what they say about bad pennies .. :rolleyes:
My favourite period of RefChat in my 3 years is without a doubt the couple of weeks we had of 'Mpaima Israel' for those who remember... :D

Never have I seen such universal shock and indignation, he came out with some absolute classics! :D

Didn't he claim to be a FIFA ref?
On the other hand, thought we'd got rid of @DanCohen17 , but you know what they say about bad pennies .. :rolleyes:
Haha I had to be very inactive last year due to working abroad combined with my wifi blocking stuff, including RefChat. However, no such problems anymore ;) I've also, conveniently, found the 'warn' & 'ban' buttons again Mr Jones :p

I was thinking of haywain. Funny and interesting guy.
Indeed! Wonder what he's up to?

My favourite period of RefChat in my 3 years is without a doubt the couple of weeks we had of 'Mpaima Israel' for those who remember... :D
Oh dear! That made for a VERY busy & interesting time for the moderating team, I can assure you!