Coloured kits/shirts?


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Does anyone have any unwanted coloured shirts at all I'm wanting some for a tournament this summer but don't fancy paying £40 on a and h?
A&H International
What size you looking for? I know someone that has a few he's looking to get rid of

Welcome to the site by the way :)
Mediums fit pretty well usually but it depends what people have and what they want for them :p
I shall ask the question, think they may be xl but ill double check
Ahhh they could be a little too big then :/ it's worth asking though thanks :)
Spoke to my mate today. He did have 3 coloured shirts in XL but he's recently given them to someone else. Sorry.
Wilbob as a level 7 I would advise you against buying a Couloured shirt because it will clearly state in all league rules that the Referee will wear an all Black Kit and neither teams or goalkeepers can clash with you. Also if you are seen wearing a coloured shirt then your cfa will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

For example I once did a game and the away team turned up in an all black kit and told me that the league had okayed a all black kit with little bits of blue on the kit. I was questioning them about and phone the league secretary who told me they had not even okayed a kit that was black for the team and that I was correct in getting the game played but should not have worn a training bib. My CFA also took a dim view of this and praised me for getting the game completed but then told me that the kit would be checked and pulled up and It was good for me to think quickly and get the game played.

Coloured Shirts however are acceptable in local tournaments
I'm not planning on wearing them in my usual games, I'm wanting them for a tournament in America where the norm is yellow, so I thought I'd see if anyone had one, I know about the black and the not changing the teams have to
I'm not planning on wearing them in my usual games, I'm wanting them for a tournament in America where the norm is yellow, so I thought I'd see if anyone had one, I know about the black and the not changing the teams have to
You heading to USA cup in Blaine?